BT Broadband

From Richard Langford
Sunday, January 12, 2003

Congratulations to Todmorden for showing enough interest backed up by registrations finally to convince BT to introduce Broadband in their area. Here in the Calder Valley Exchange area only 157 of us have registered as of today Sunday 12th January 2003, according to the BT Broadband Barometer - PATHETIC!

This is despite the efforts of yourselves & others, like myself, who have emailed our local contacts asking for their support & action to enable the introduction of technology that, without doubt, will benefit local business & individuals alike. How can we possibly expect BT to invest in an area such as the Calder Valley while it is showing such apathy & inertia?

There are 273 entries in the Hebden Bridge Email Directory - I wonder how many of these have registered.

According to the the ADSL Guide, 189 have registered in the Hebden Bridge area. If we had the 200 trigger level that Tod had, we would be about to get broadband. While sharing your enthusiasm for as many people as possible registering, it is hard to persuade people when we don't even have a trigger level! - Webmaster