NCH and the Great Wall of China
Monday, July 19, 2004

NCHNCH is one of the main children's charities in the UK and provides services for some of the most deprived children and young people in the country.

It also has a presence in Calderdale through Calderdale Leaving Care Team which in partnership with Calderdale Social Services provides support and guidance for young people who have been in care and are now moving towards independent living. As a charity NCH is understandably involved in fundraising so that it can continue to develop its services.

Ron Taylor has told the Hebden Bridge Web

"As part of the NCH's fundraising strategy for 2004 a number people, including myself, will be undertaking awalk along several stretches of the Great Wall of China. I Work for Calderdale Leaving Care Team and I am also the union representative for the NE Region of NCH and I have decided to take up the challenge of walking along one of the most challenging sections in October for 9 days. However I have also agreed to raise £2700 most of which will go to boost the charities innovation fund. I am also a resident of Hebden Bridge. If anyone would be willing to sponsor me, (large or small amounts are equally welcome) please let me know by emailing me or telephoning on 01422 359907 (work) or 01422 842664 (home)."

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