New Tory candidate may
move to Hebden Bridge

Monday, February 7, 2005

A 29 year old Leeds woman, Elizabeth Truss, has been selected by Calder Valley Conservatives to represent the Calder Valley constituency at the next election. Mrs Truss currently lives in London.

Robin Sutcliffe reports in today's Yorkshire Post:

The association was thrown into turmoil following the controversial ousting of the highly experienced Sue Catling, at one time ranked as one of the top 10 nationwide prospective Tory candidates and a former Cheshire Businesswoman of the Year.

But in her first interview on Saturday night, a delighted Mrs Truss, an Oxford graduate, was keen to draw a line under the past and look forward to campaigning in the forthcoming General Election in the seat at present held by Labour MP Chris McCafferty.

She told the Yorkshire Post: "I've not been put off in any way following the controversy over Sue Catling. I have come in to win this seat and I want to work with association members – who all seem really good. People who want to get on and fight the election. "The first thing I am going to do is to move into the area – possibly Hebden Bridge."

She is preparing to give up her high-powered job as head of public affairs with Cable & Wireless and leave London with her husband Hugh.

Asked how confident she had been before the meeting, she said: "I started the day not knowing what was going to happen and it's been quite an experience. Just before I found out was the worst bit. An officer said my name when he came into the room and I didn't know whether I had won or lost." She already has experience of fighting General Elections. In 2001 she gained an 8,000 vote swing in the West Yorkshire seat of Hemsworth.

See the Guardian article from 17th January on how the Tories dumped their previous candidate, Sue Catling

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