Update: Saturday, 19 May 2007

Residents rally in the square,
and collect signatures for their petition

Enough is Enough
says Stubbing Holme Road Action Group

Added Monday, 14 May 2007

Thanks to Hannah Nadim for the following news item

Rally at St George’s Square
11am on Saturday 19th May

"When is enough enough?”

That’s the question being asked by a Group opposed to a further plan to inject houses into Hebden Bridge. The Stubbing Holme Road Action Group (SHRAG) are objecting to a plan to introduce 3 houses to a patch of land adjoining Trinity Street.

“The planned houses will fill a very welcome natural space in our neighbourhood, overtop existing houses and further clog a road that can already claim to be the worst in Hebden Bridge,” said local resident, Jette Howard, “And for what? So that a few more expensive dwellings can be squeezed into our Town, which has surely seen more than it’s fair share.”

The road in question, Stubbing Holme Road, serves the 4 terraced Streets of Oxford, Cambridge, Eton and Trinity along with the Wireform factory, Whitehead’s car dismantlers, the Library and Vale Centre and a 20 space car park before making an awkward exit onto the A646 at Bridge Lanes. For much of its length it is single lane and has a very narrow pavement which forces wheelchair users and pushchairs onto the road.

Hebden Royd Town Council has unanimously voted against the Development but controversially, officers from Calderdale Council have recommended that the Scheme be approved at their Planning Committee on the 30th May. Four previous applications by the same developer for the same site have already been refused, including two following appeals.

SHRAG plans a Rally at St George’s Square at 11am on Saturday 19th May to protest against the proposed Development.

“Come and show that Hebden Bridge people have had enough of these new developments being foisted on our Town,” said Hannah Nadim, SHRAG organiser.

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