Hebden Bridge Web:

News and Comment: 8th August 1998


WHEREAS certain wicked and avaricious persons known as the Orange Personal Communications Service Limited have taken a lease on a close of land adjacent to Brink Top on Heights Road in the Township of Wadsworth for the purpose of erecting a telephone mast some 45ft high.

AND WHEREAS such action was taken after the successful petitioning of the inhabitants of the adjacent Township of Midgely against the erection of a monstrous mast (180ft or more in height) in Han Royd Wood by the same said telephone company.

AND WHEREAS such persons have not informed the inhabitants of the said Township of their intentions. And have been aided and abetted in their secret designs by the torpidity of certain officers in the Planning Department of Calderdale Council who have neglected to publicise the intentions of the said telephone company contrary to the advice given on page 8 of the Telecommunications Prior Approval Procedures: Code of Best Practice issued by the Department of the Environment in 1996.

THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that at a well attended meeting of local inhabitants held at the Mount Skip Inn in Wadsworth on Friday 24 July 1998 it was resolved that:

  1. such a telephone mast at Brink Top would be certainly injurious to the beauty of the local landscape and possibly injurious to the Health and Safety of local residents;
  1. all legal means should be employed to prevent the erection of the said mast, but should this prove unsuccessful to press for the removal of the mast;
  1. such means should include a petition against the mast to be circulated throughout the townships of Wadsworth and Midgely and in the village of Mytholmroyd and the town of Hebden Bridge.
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