Hebden Bridge Web

Woven in the Pennine hills

HEBWEB Guestbook
July-December 1998

Click just here to add your comments and they should immediately be added to the page.
Richard - still unable to e-mail you; address undeliverable - but got yours, thanks. Alfred Ogley - used to live next door to a family called Ogley up Dodnze - mum Lydia, daughter Julie. Any relation?
Carole Adams <k.w.a@btinternet.com>
Sheffield, UK - Thursday, December 31, 1998 at 13:35:43 (GMT)
Hi to anyone with e-mail connections. Trying to contact Tess & John in the Caymen Islands, in particular. If they can find their way to this Website for NY's eve.
Fay&Geoff , . <113241.403@compuserve.com>
Mytholmroyd, UK - December 29, 1998 (GMT)
Hi Richard Shortall. I think the fire you remember was Robertshaw Bros. It burnt down before i came out to Canada in 1967. I also lived up Dodnaze and i knew the Shaw family very well. I also have Dennis Shaw's address, if you want it drop me an E-mail. I also noticed a young lady called West talks to you quite often, is her fathers name Ken West or The other Brother who married Shiela Boyland (i think i've got the right name).If i remember they both played in the band.
Alfred Ogley. <aogley@wkpowerlink.com>
Trail, British Columbia Canada - Wednesday, December 23, 1998 at 03:38:29 (GMT)
And a Merry Christmas to you Richard! Tried e-mailing you - lost in the ether, address wrong! My mum and dad say the big fire was possibly Barbreck Upholsteries in the late 60's and it was a whopper! Hope the address comes through, you'll like the photos.
Carole Adams <k.w.a@btinternet.com>
UK - Tuesday, December 22, 1998 at 15:44:13 (GMT)
It was in England, at school, where I first learned, "Away in a manger, no crib for his bed, the little lord Jesus laid down his sweet head, the stars in the bright sky shone down where he lay, the little lord Jesus asleep in the hay." I wish all the people of Yorkshire a very Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to you Carole.
Richard Shortall
QV, New York USA - Tuesday, December 22, 1998 at 04:21:24 (GMT)
It’s a good time, at the end of another year, to post a few ‘thank-yous’ on this forum. Thanks to Chris Ratcliffe for continuing to host the HB Web: creating a little corner of cyberspace where those with an interest in this remarkable little town can congregate and chew the fat. Thanks, too, for publishing my little comedy books - ‘View From the Bridge’ and ‘Back to the Bridge’ - which, bizarrely, are the best-selling titles around these parts. Once we get a distribution network that extends as far as, oh, Bacup and Huddersfield, there’ll be no stopping us... Thanks to everyone who has bought the books and, hopefully, had a few laughs. Amazingly, only a handful of people seem to have noticed that there is no detectable plot, and that the characters don’t appear to relate to each other. What this says about my psyche I dread to think. Thanks to the local newspapers who, by banning the books, have helped to push sales along nicely. Thanks to all the retailers who are stocking the books - especially the Book Case and Rock Bottom here in Hebden Bridge. And thanks to those who have emailed me with their comments about the online episodes. The, ahem, Milltown Trilogy will be completed in the spring, with the publication of ‘A Bridge Too Far’: a title acknowledging the fact that most people will probably be sick to death of my puerile jokes and jaundiced observations by then. And that will be that. The books have been a lot of fun to write, and all chapters will remain freely available on the HB Web, but there’s only so much mileage in poking gentle fun at your home town. There are other towns... Best wishes to all visitors to the HB Web during the panic-stricken void that Christmas has become.
John Morrison <john@trunorth.demon.co.uk >
Hebden Bridge, UK - Monday, December 21, 1998 at 17:30:23 (GMT)
Carole A. My Email is on it's way. Do any of you remember a huge fire? I remember sitting on a hill overlooking the town and watching with a lot of neighbors as a huge building burned in the distance. We used to slide down that hill using carboard boxes as sleds. I think I must have attended the larger of the 2 schools because I remeber when I got caught steeling cookies, I was at the top of a staircase which overlooked a large lunchroom. There were many girls eating lunch at those tables and the reason we were caught was that my friend threw his bandaid into one of the soups that the girls were eating. She must have called the Principal. I also remember a friend by the name of Thomas Hecker. Does anyone remember Guy Faux night( sorry if I have spelled that incorrectly ). Hope to hear from you soon.
Richard Shortall
Q.v., New York USA - Monday, December 14, 1998 at 02:18:21 (GMT)
Carole, the sweet shop below Stubbings school was run by Mrs Breeze. In the late 50's, every Saturday night I went down to the newsagents shop at the bottom of the hill to collect her "Green Final" and she would reward me with a bar of chocolate. I liked to think that she got the paper to she how Halifax Town were doing but she always opened it at the horse racing pages.
Dave Mattam <mattam@btinternet.com>
Grove, Oxon UK - Sunday, December 13, 1998 at 21:58:23 (GMT)
Sorry B.T. I take it all back - it helps if you give your correct address! Technology eh?
Carole Adams <k.w.a@btinternet.com>
UK - Sunday, December 13, 1998 at 19:40:12 (GMT)
Hi Gillian - will try e-mailing you and see what happens - this B.T. package leaves a lot to be desired - we have had problems before. Let's see what happens! Richard S. - if you send me your address (via E-mail!??! -see comments to Gillian) I have some great photos I took recently of the Calder Valley that I'm quite proud of which I could send you, showing Dodnaze quite clearly. The shop you refer to I think is Mrs. Breeze's (though my sister and I have debated this at length!) We both vaguely remember the name Allistair. You lived on Wadsworth Lanes, by the way. As a matter of interest - an article in last week's Big Issue about "View From The Bridge" - the book is certainly a talking point!
Carole Adams <k.w.a@btinternet.co.ok>
Sheffield, UK - Sunday, December 13, 1998 at 19:34:34 (GMT)
Hi Carol. I tried to e-mail you, but it was returned as incorrectly adressed. Perhaps you could e-mail me, as i would love to hear from you. Best wishes, Gillian.
Gillian Smith <hillside >
Isle of Wight UK - Saturday, December 12, 1998 at 19:45:21 (GMT)
Hello Carole, I hope your sister tunes in. I still have ties over there. My Uncle, Richie lives in Manchester and My Aunt Bridie is in Sussex. She just visited us for a few weeks. My Aunt Mary who lived outside of London has now moved to Spain. I don't know if I went to school with Ian. I remember that Bret Shaw would walk me to school. and drop me off. His school seemed to be located just after or before mine. I remember the shop at the bottom of the hill. It was always decorated beautifully for the holidays. I used to get Lucky Bags at the shop at the first turn on the hill. The ice cream man used to come around at night and my dad, instead of getting cones, would bring out a bowl and fill it up with the soft ice cream. There was also syrup that one could get on top of the ice cream, strawberry and some kind of green syrup. Did you know Allister, I think his last name may have been McAllister, but after all these years I may not remember the last name. Oh well! Thanks again for all your help.
Richard Shortall
Queens Village, N.Y. USA - Wednesday, December 09, 1998 at 04:33:09 (GMT)
Hi Gillian West-as-was: yes, I was your daughter in "The Green Knight" (I think it was called) and Lorraine Tate was your other one (I had a day out in Leeds with her only yesterday! She still lives in Halifax.) There were three princes, Gawain, Gawain and Gon - remember? I still have a photo of it somewhere! Boy were those wimples tricky!
Carole Adams <k.w.a@btinternet.co.uk>
UK - Tuesday, December 08, 1998 at 19:06:18 (GMT)
I was born and used to live in Hebden Bridge, and have just discovered the website - brilliant! I would like to get in touch with anyone I went to Calder High school with from 1966 - 71. I still visit at least once a year as my mum lives in Halifax. I moved to the Isle of Wight at the end of the 5th year. I remember Carole Tyler - were you my daughter in the school play once when I was the queen?!!!
Gillian Smith (nee West) <hillside@globalnet.co.uk>
Wroxall, Isle of Wight UK - Sunday, December 06, 1998 at 16:29:27 (GMT)
Very interesting site, it is good to see such a wide range of interests displayed. I was planning on coming over from Addingham to wander round HB as I used to live there 10 years ago. I logged on to see what was happening, unfortunately there is no information about HB's xmas activities. An up-to-date banner on current activities would be good for tourists. From a cultural exchange point of view please look at our developing village site
Michael John Tagg <mjtagg@ls290rn.freeserve.co.uk>
Addingham, West Yorkshire UK - Sunday, December 06, 1998 at 12:25:02 (GMT)
Just to set the record straight - Back to the Bridge is now in first place on The Book Case bestseller list and View from the Bridge is a close runner up - our expectations are for them to take the numbers one and two spots in our annual bestseller list at the end of the year. With Birthday Letters in third place perhaps we should be looking forward to having a local lad again as Poet Laureate - who knows! Viva HB
The Book Case <BookCase@btinternet.com>
Hebden Bridge, UK - Friday, December 04, 1998 at 23:14:02 (GMT)
I once knew a sprightly young lass from Hebden Bridge named Susan Lamonby. I believe she still resides there. Perhaps she will see this notice andd e-mail me a long overdue hello. Should anyone there wish to look up her phone # and inform her of my inquiry, I would appreciate the gesture. I have visited your city from the states a number of times and have wonderful memories of the people, and Pennines.
GDavid <GDavidusa@hotmail.com>
Hebden Bridge, UK - Thursday, December 03, 1998 at 01:32:46 (GMT)
Hi I'm looking for people with ICQ I'v had it for ages and i was wandering if anyone here in HB had it? I'll use the white pages at www.icq.com but I am too lazy, Well if you do then my ICQ number is 12329608
Jak Webber <gloria@globalnet.co.uk>
Habden Bridge, W. Yorks UK - Monday, November 30, 1998 at 02:29:49 (GMT)
Richard Shortall - I'm a touch older than you (!) so didn't go to school with you. However, my maiden name was Tyler, my brother's name is Ian and is about your age so you may have been at school with him. If my sister ever reads this (she assures me she does) (hi Lesley; read your e-mail yet? - I got that coat) she can tell you about the Shaws as she still lives locally. Actually come to think about it if you were about 5 you wouldn't have gone to Riverside, it must have been Central Street, though most kids from Dodnaze went to Stubbins. If you look on the photo on the home page (just under the Guestbook bit) you will see Stubbins school - the houses there are the ones I think you mean by the "rows of houses 4 deep" and the "great stairs". Happy remembering!
Carole Adams <k.w.a@btinternet.co.uk>
Sheffield, UK - Saturday, November 28, 1998 at 16:28:35 (GMT)
Anyone else had experiences of trying to use the rip off telephone dating services in the Hebden Creosote Times. Don't you just love its over lenghthy explanations at a pound a minute, the repeat instructions at a pound a minute, the full menu waffle at a pound a minute, and the left in adverts from god knows when. And not forgetting the inability to get through or beyond the initial blurb at a pound a minute. I await with interest the Hebden Cresote Times full expose of this dating rip off.
Simon Stewart <Simonvinyl>
HB, UK - Saturday, November 28, 1998 at 11:05:20 (GMT)
Paul Thonton, My Dad, Bill Shortall, worked for Thornbers also between 63 and 64. My uncle Pat Shortall, lived on the great stairs ( which one could take instead of walking up the hill). Was this your time?
Richard Shortall
Queens Village, N.Y, USA - Saturday, November 28, 1998 at 05:08:45 (GMT)
Carole Adams, Thanks for the input. I am 40, did I go to school with you? Do you know where the Shaw's are now? When I went to the school I got in trouble for sneaking upstairs at lunchtime and stealing those great cookies they used to serve. I was brought to the principals office and I remember a whole row of canes. She used one on my hand. Have not stole cookies since. I also remember a friend named Thomas Hecker. Any more input?
Richard Shortall
Queens Village, N.Y, USA - Saturday, November 28, 1998 at 04:47:10 (GMT)
Richard Shortall - you obviously lived up Dodnaze (so did I, up till 1972) , went to Riverside School (so did I) and knew the Shaws - so did I! Hope that helps. By the way, if Jane Helliwell, living in Topanga Canyon, L.A., ever reads this - we seem to have lost touch again
Carole Adams <k.w.a@btinternet.co.uk>
Sheffield, S. Yorks UK - Saturday, November 21, 1998 at 15:35:38 (GMT)
Well, Johnny Cigarettes, I’m proud to say that here in Hebden Bridge we have drug abusers from all social classes. And the local newspapers considered my book, View From the Bridge, so “rose-tinted”, that they summarily banned it. But “decadent”? Yeah, you’re probably on the button there. And long may Hebden Bridge remain so...
Fag-Ash Lil <john@trunorth.demon.co.uk >
UK - Wednesday, November 18, 1998 at 18:17:04 (GMT)
Everyone is happy to heap it on Hebden Bridge but let's not forget that this website provides only a cosy middle class, rose-tinted perspective of Hebden. The Hebden I know is decadent, small minded and drug ridden. Just listen to the councillors for a good slice of the real Hebden.
Johnny Cigarettes <seneca5816@yahoo.com>
Stuttgart, Baden Wurttemburg Germany - Wednesday, November 18, 1998 at 13:58:01 (GMT)
Looking for Kingsley Leroy Lambert who used to live in Hebden Bridge upto 1987 or so
Ian Bailey <mazakman@earthlink.net>
San Jose, California U.S.A. - Tuesday, November 17, 1998 at 04:25:30 (GMT)
Things have moved on a little since I lived in the Calder Valley!! Good site - and I enjoy "View from the Bridge" a great deal. Having been born in Boulderclough ( long since overrun with rainbow window stickers, pot plants and VW camper vans) I appreciate the humour. If there is anybody else out there from Boulderclough, let me know. It happens - people do admit it.! Occasionally. In the middle of the South China sea, on a very small boat, coming back from an island pub - naturally - I met someone who sheepishly admitted he was from Boulder - but we were in serious danger of drowning so it was understandable he felt like confessing. Having survived I asked my grandmother ( Doris Aspinall) if she knew the guy - her first question was "was he drunk" - and then told me that he built the houses in front of the chapel - which subsequently slid down the hill into Finkle street. Not surprising it took a near death expereince for him to admit to a Boulder connection. Maybe we can set up a Boulder web site - people might mistake it for our more illustrious cousin in the states.!
Christine Wright ( Fullilove) <fulilove@netvigator.com >
Hong Kong - Friday, November 13, 1998 at 01:23:23 (GMT)
OK so no response from my last message. How about any descendants of Martin Oliver a farmer from Nutclough whose daughter was Rhoda May Oliver and who married John Cockcroft Hardman in 1890? Also looking for any descendants of Ethel Thompson who married Harold Hardman around 1922? They had a son Jack Hardman. HELP!!!
Anni Bayliss <annibuk@aol.com>
Uckfield, East Sussex UK - Tuesday, November 10, 1998 at 00:39:52 (GMT)
Hi, I'm happy I found this great site! Maybe someone can help me. I lived in HB about 1962-3, I was about 5. I went to a school in the village. The school had a river running by it. I had to walk a long way up a road that wound to the right. On that hill my uncle Pat lived and my uncle Patsi Kenny and aunt Noneen lived also. When I got to the top of the hill, there were rows of houses about 4 deep. I lived on the first row on the left about the 4th house from the corner. Our next door neighbors were the Shaw's. Lisa was about 11 and had a younger brother Bret and an older brother Dennis. I remeber Lisa broke her ankle on the swings next to Bob's store. My friend's name was Allister. I remember little more. Can anyone help?
Richard Shortall <fetfan@aol.com>
Queens Village, New York USA - Saturday, November 07, 1998 at 22:36:49 (GMT)
Oswald, the White Lion pub is on 01422-842197. Maybe try the tourist Information office, too, on 01422-842830.
John Morrison <john@trunorth.demon.co.uk >
HB, UK - Monday, November 02, 1998 at 11:24:08 (GMT)
I'm trying to find a place to rent between Hebden bridge and Todmorden for about 10 days over Xmas 1998. I believe the White Lion own some cottages and I wondered if someone could give me their phone number. (I notice they're not in the directory!) Alternatively, are there any more accommodation sources? Thank you.
eoswald <oswald@utk.edu>
UK - Monday, November 02, 1998 at 00:08:30 (GMT)
Re. Jo-Anne Sutcliffe... Are we taling about a pub, here? Seems like we are... but which HB pub has corners which need re-filling? If I'm right, then my knowledge of HB pubs is obviously weakened by the fact that i haven't spent ages staring at the walls..!!
James Williams <james.williams@st-johns.oxford.ac.uk>
Oxford, UK - Thursday, October 22, 1998 at 00:48:26 (BST)
Glad to see that there are other students that like to visit "home" at the hebden bridge web site. Hello to Jo-anne and all her new friends in Salford.
Jill Dyson
Nottingham, UK - Wednesday, October 21, 1998 at 11:30:32 (BST)
Any descendants of Robert Lord Hardman ? son of Mary Ellen Lord (married Walton Hardman around 1860). Would you mail me please.
Anni Bayliss <Annibuk@aol.com>
Uckfield, Sussex UK - Wednesday, October 21, 1998 at 01:35:30 (BST)
I'm not quite sure whether the Hebden Bridge web page makes me feel terribly homesick or terribly comforted... It's certainly a superb site, and I'm not sure how many towns can boast web pages of a similar calibre. Well done HB! Not that it isn't entirely motivated by the personal tastes of the residents rather than genuine local interest. For example, the Sylvia Plath sites... hmmm. Not quite sure how Hebden Bridge can truly lay claim to Plath. Still, as I try to explain to Southerners who just don't know, Hebden Bridge isn't so much a town as a state of mind..! A wonderful site, and very much appreciated.
James Williams <james.williams@st-johns.oxford.ac.uk>
Oxford, Oxon. UK - Monday, October 19, 1998 at 01:38:02 (BST)
What can I say? This website is great! I´m in Galicia, Spain at the moment, but it´s good to know that I can come here and get a breath of fresh air! I´m here until next year, teaching English, but if anyone who knows me wants to write to me, it´s ali-marie@cybergal.com Take Care, Ali xxx
Ali-Marie McAllister <ali-marie@cybergal.com>
Galicia Spain - Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 14:14:39 (BST)
Well, there we were thinking Hebden Bridge was a nice peaceful, tranquil place - that was until Jo-anne Sutcliffe moved in with us and we found out the truth. Now we have her neighing all around the flat and doing giraffe impressions and driving us all mad :-) Nah, we love you really Jo...
Linda Boardman (on behalf of everyone in JO1 3)
Manchester, UK - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 13:16:30 (BST)
Hello Hebden Bridge, well if you're all as crazy as Jo-Anne Sutcliffe (known to all her friends as Horse woman)then I guess Hebden must be a pretty mad place. All credit goes to Jo as she's introduced us all to your web page and we can't stop visiting!!
Alex Cutts
Salford, UK - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 10:33:36 (BST)
Made a very brief visit to your beautiful town and found a photo of my great grandfather in the Hole in the Wall pub - made my visit and I can't wait to go back.
Anni Bayliss <annibuk@aol.com>
Uckfield, Sussex UK - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 01:04:35 (BST)
Made a very brief to your beautiful town and found a photo of my great grandfather in the Hole in the Wall pub - made my visit and I can't wait to go back.
Anni Bayliss <annibuk@aol.com>
Uckfield, Sussex UK - Tuesday, October 13, 1998 at 01:04:04 (BST)
I've posted a photo of the Class of 1956 from Stubbins Primary on members.aol.com/maggiemole/stubbin2.jpg If you recognise anyone - or are actually in the pic -, please get in touch. I can identify Andrea Wilcox, Andrea Noone, Ruth Calvert, Margaret Leach, Philip Dalgleish, Sheila Uttley - oh and myself, maragret crowther - but while i know the faces for many more, I can't remember the names.
margaret crowther <maggiemole@aol.com>
east molesey, surrey UK - Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 13:58:06 (BST)
peter lost you again i know you visit the heb web, new nickname johnny, new icq number20121318.
johnny <yorkie@corplink.com.au>
aspley/queensland, brisbane australia - Monday, October 05, 1998 at 12:46:51 (BST)
Jo-anne, what's wrong with lovely sunny Salford eh??? And you just know that the luxurious Pav and the wonderful Paradise Factory have now become your second home :-) Can't blame you Jo, I know where I'd rather be. Oh - one last thing nayyyyyy
Linda Boardman
UK - Monday, October 05, 1998 at 09:14:11 (BST)
Your site is one of best site I never seen... Bye
Nobuyuki <nobuyuki@club-internet.fr>
Paris, France - Sunday, October 04, 1998 at 01:18:24 (BST)
Hi. Could any reader direct me to a (living) expert on local Romano British finds and sites? Did the Romans get off the train at Hebden Bridge or Mytholmroyd? There is a 'dot' on a plan identifying a Roman find off the Widdop road - what and where is it? Any information appreciated.
Dean Chrisp <113011.2271@compuserve.com>
Blackshaw Head, UK - Wednesday, September 30, 1998 at 22:38:56 (BST)
Moo Moo...... Hello fellow hebden friends. I may seem mad but....if you know me, you'll probably understand. If you don't it doesn't really matter. Here's a little discription of my favourite part of hebden bridge...see if you can guess where it is... It's dim, it's got chairs, if you stare long enough at the walls you may realise the corners need re-filling, it's also has been mine and many others 2nd home for atleast the past 2 years. Thankyou Hebden, you may not be the best place in the world but I've had a great time. (It beats Salford anyway!)
Jo-Anne Sutcliffe
Hebden Bridge, UK - Thursday, September 17, 1998 at 21:31:40 (BST)
Due to house sale, I'm urgently looking for house to let/share. Any info would be appreciated.
Helena <vonef@dial.pipex.com>
Hebden Bridge, UK - Thursday, September 17, 1998 at 13:27:18 (BST)
ATTENTION LOUISE STOTT I tried to e-mail this to your address but for some reason it didnt recognise your address so here it is on the guest book. I cant believe that such a small town like Hebden has such an extensive web page! Im from New Zealand. My father David Ibbotson was born in Cragg Vale and I still have many relatives in Mytholmroyd. When ever I am in the UK I always make a point of coming up to Hebden. It is a beautiful place. I just love the moors and walking along the river in the summer time. It is one of the most beautiful parts of the country. The last time I was in Hebden, I stayed at the Nutclough - very nice. Its great how people just pop in there after a day walking on the moors at any time of the year. I will be up in Hebden probably around October this year and probably stay with relatives in Cragg. This time when I come up I think I will visit the Bronty house. One of the most vivid memories I have was one year standing up on the moors at my fathers old farm house where he lived as a child. The wind and rain were howling in and I just felt so exposed to the elements. It was just wonderful looking over the valley to the old york stone houses on the other side. No other place quite like it. Hope this helps your research. Julie Ibbotson julie_nz@hotmail.com
Julie Ibbotson <julie_nz@hotmail.com>
Auckland New Zealand - Saturday, September 12, 1998 at 20:09:03 (BST)
Does anyone know Nicholas or Richard Reece and what happened to them? The last I heard was about ten or fifteen years ago that Nicholas was an MP in Germany (mili police) and Richard was into computers. oh, and excelent book Mr Morrison. you hit the proverbial nail on the head evry time, my brov,Steve Marsden is bringing me a copy over this week from Hebden.
GLENN MARSDEN <gmarsden@kingston.net>
GANANOQUE, FRONT LEEDSAND LANSDOWNE CANADA - Tuesday, September 08, 1998 at 02:43:33 (BST)
Can I offer my congratulations to our erstwhile MP for the total disregard she showed for civil liberties, and notions of parliamentart scrutiny and accountability by voting for Jack Straw's contemptuous and thoroughly anti-democratic Terrorism Bill, last night. 03-09-98
Simon Stewart <Simonvinyl&aol>
UK - Thursday, September 03, 1998 at 12:40:51 (BST)
Thank you John,Ilook forward to hearing from you and appreciate your help.
Jessie [nee Lambert] Rushworth <jcr@shoal.net.au>
Orient Point NSW, Australia UK - Wednesday, September 02, 1998 at 00:01:01 (BST)
Hi Jessie, you're looking for Kenneth Hawkes, and I know his nephew. He's not online, but we'll compose a reply and email you directly. Small world, eh?
John Morrison <john@trunorth.demon.co.uk >
Hebden Bridge, UK - Tuesday, September 01, 1998 at 19:14:03 (BST)
Being a ex HB gal I am thrilled to have discovered your wonderful web site and I am hoping that someone can help me locate the following people...Kenneth Hawkes who lived locally in the 50s and Albert Taylor who lived in Todmorden, both would be aged around mid 60s now. If there is anyone out there who went to Colden primary school in the 40s I would love to hear from you or anyone who may remember me. Jessie Rushworth [nee Lambert] jcr@shoal.net.au
Jessie Rushworth [nee Lambert] <jcr@shoal.net.au>
Orient Point, Australia UK - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 01:52:35 (BST)
Yes I came back for some more. I was raised in Halifax, now live just outside of Chicago. Any one out there that went to Battingson road school (Pellon)I'd love to hear from you.Joy :) Great site for us pinning Brits.
Joy <twotwo@mail.icongrp.com>
Chicago, Il USA - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 01:47:18 (BST)
Nice web site. I was born and bred in HB along with me sisters and brothers between 1947 and 1960. I would be interestrd in hearing form any body who knew me or my family. My sisters names are Margaret and Pauline and my brothers names are Jeffery and Bernard. i look forward to hearing from you.Mike Crowther.
Michael Crowther <MDAC4053@aol.co..uk>
Wantage, Oxfordshire UK - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 20:25:55 (BST)
I have been to Hebden Bridge a few times, on the occasion of my visits to my Aunt Lesley Staples, who resides in Heptonstall! Hebden Bridge is a lovely town & I look forward to many more visits to this very beautiful part of England.
Loree Davis <PicklesD@aol.com>
Aloha, State of Oregon USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 18:47:17 (BST)
thats a bunch of tree hugging hippie crap!
peter agland
UK - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 14:37:37 (BST)
It's great to be able to see Hebden Bridge on the net. We who are from there Know what a scenic place it is, now the rest of the world gets a chance to see. PS ,Trevor we don't have T cakes in WPG either!!!A Waites meat pie would taste good right now!!!
Mel and Keith Moss nee Melanie Pickles <fmoss@sprint.ca>
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 05:51:07 (BST)
Found your web page the other night, and we love it!! Just about as good as being there (cheaper, anyway). I was raised in Hebden Bridge, went to school at CHS, and left England in 1972 to come to Canada. Only meant to stay here for 2 years - what the hell happened??? However, one good thing about Vancouver is the great fish & chips. One bad thing is no one sells or knows how to make TEA CAKES!! And what is fish & chips without a tea cake?? If anyone there has a recipe for tea cakes, I would love to get it. And if anyone there knows Tony Greenwood (Carr House), please tell him we said "Hi" (he was married to my sister, Margaret). Tell Tony to e-mail us if he is on-line. Keep up the excellent web page. We have it bookmarked, and we will be a faithful reader. Ta ta for now. Trevor Cunliffe (and wife, Linda)
Trevor Cunliffe <Linda_Cunliffe@bc.sympatico.ca>
Surrey, British Columbia Canada - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 03:44:57 (BST)
View From The Bridge is brilliant!
Steve Farr <steve@greenmarch.com>
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire UK - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 13:08:21 (BST)
I just returned home from 2 glorious months in Hebden Bridge. My wife, 5 children and I rented an old farmhouse (Great Burlees Farm) from June through July, 1998, and spent a wonderful summer in your beautiful town. It was hard to leave, and we all hope to go back some day. Cheers to all. Scott.
Scott Monfils <monfils2@gte.net>
Clackamas, Oregon 97015, U.S.A. - Tuesday, August 11, 1998 at 17:21:39 (BST)
Was doing a search for the name WALSHAW and tripped on your wonderful site. Can anyone help me? I saw mention of a Walshaw Lodge in your list of events for the Arts Festival and understand that there is a hamlet Walshaw nearby. Would appreciate any information you can give me on these places, present and historical. My ancestors lived in the Yorkshire area for hundreds of years. Thanks a million to anyone who will take the time to help! Teri Howard.
Teri Howard <thoward@dlonet.com>
Jacksonville, State of Florida USA - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 22:53:31 (BST)
Jak you must be color blind! you should visit the Calder Valley in the Autumn then you would see color, I have a son who lives in out back Australia and he loves the scenes the Hebden site puts out. mac
Mac <yorkie@corplink.com.au>
Aspley, Brisbane Australia - Thursday, August 06, 1998 at 23:21:10 (BST)
Jak <jak_w@hotmail.com>
Entrecasteaux, 83 FR - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 00:27:37 (BST)
Oh what a beautiful web site, had to add it to my favorites after a chat friend sent me the link. Oakenshiel to you I must say thank-you! I also live in a beautiful town and only wish my town took as much pride as you town does about the history and perserving the greeness of our community.Guess Hebden Bridge is on my have to visit list.
Wendy K Smith <WSmith3445@aol.com>
Lawson, Missouri, Ray US - Sunday, August 02, 1998 at 12:03:10 (BST)
Talking about Winter camping with a colleague just now, set my thoughts in motion; all the way from Ottawa Canada to Hebden Bridge. I lived in Salford until 1966 and during the late forties I used to Winter camp at Hebden Bridge. I suddenly had a yearning to see the old place again and so here I am. Thank you for the opportunity. Frank Thornton Ottawa, Canada
Frank Thornton <thorntf@navcanada>
Ottawa, Ontario Canada - Thursday, July 30, 1998 at 16:54:11 (BST)
It's a pleasure to visit your web page once again. I have visited your fair village on two occasions and hopefully will return possibly next year. I have a grandson currently visiting his aunt who resides in Heptonstall. God Bless.
Dick Hawk <swagman@tdl.com>
San Jose, California USA - Wednesday, July 29, 1998 at 00:01:26 (BST)
murt <pmurtagh@perth.igs.net>
- Tuesday, July 28, 1998 at 00:31:17 (BST)
Co-op does it again. Not satisfied with being out of asprin, they have run out of paracetamol as well (did so for over eight weeks one year). Somrone tell me when they discover stock control.
Simon Stewart <Simonvinyl@aol>
HB, UK - Sunday, July 26, 1998 at 13:24:02 (BST)
John - thank you for the info.Looking forward to coming up.
Anne Bayliss <annibuk@aol.com>
Uckfield, East Sussex UK - Tuesday, July 21, 1998 at 23:15:50 (BST)
Anne, the church is dedicated to St James, and the Hole in the Wall pub (a rebuilding of an earlier pub) still stands by the old packhorse bridge.
John Morrison <john@trunorth.demon.co.uk >
HB, UK - Tuesday, July 21, 1998 at 09:38:30 (BST)
peter visit the old school while you are over there and send some fish & chips over. new icq15542743. have a nice holiday. mac
mac <yorkie@corplink.com.au>
aspley, queensland australia - Tuesday, July 21, 1998 at 06:28:36 (BST)
Will be visitng Hebden Bridge in September to do some research for my family tree. Is there a pub called The Hole in the Wall? What is the name of the local Anglican Church?
Anne Bayliss (nee Hardman) <annibuk@aol.com>
Uckfield, Sussex UK - Monday, July 20, 1998 at 23:31:40 (BST)
Does anybody in Hebden want any HTML lessons via LETS favours+a little bit of expenses and/or a cup of tea and a sandwich Also, got a few research papers left on UFOS the Bible and Comets not to mention Panspermia! finally, emergency floor space available on the other side of the railway down Andy the plumber's way!
Ted Armstrong <tedarms@theglobe.com>
Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire UK - Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 17:30:21 (BST)
My Grandmother was a Hebden. Any other Hebden's finding this page please get in touch and see if we are connected in any way. Thanks Take care Paul
paul andrew <paul@bathmill.enta.net>
lancaster, lancs UK - Sunday, July 12, 1998 at 12:49:34 (BST)
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