![]() Buses and Bridge GatePosted by Dave Burnop Please see below the e-mail I have sent to Nigel Pickles at Calderdale. He is looking for feedback on the pedestrianisation and any comments and opinions in respect of buses using Bridge Gate. Please lobby him with your comments. From: David Burnop
Dear Mr Pickles On the the weekend of July the 1st & 2nd we held a programme of street entertainment as part of the launch weekend of the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival. We decided to use the newly pedestrianised Bridge Gate, instead of the usual St Gorges square as the pedestrianising work has moved on towards it and cars backing in and out of one end are creating an element of risk. As the first and christening event in the new Bridge Gate I report to you on how it went. As you can see from the pictures attached their was a wonderful relaxed ambience as people could stop sit down with their children and enjoy the performances of street theatre, children's entertainers. musicians and dancers. This also held more people in the area for longer which must have been of benefit to some business in providing refreshment and nutrition etc. I was their from 12pm to 4pm on both days and received much verbal feedback form members of the audience ( both local and visitors) the vast majority of them local said to me how marvellous this traffic free area was, and what a shame it was that buses were going to be allowed through it in future. As this would make event like ours impossible and undermine the safety of being traffic free. The audiences did not seem to impede those pedestrians wanting to walk through. Another advantage of having street events in Bridge Gate is the lack of background traffic noise making everything more audible for the audience without having to be highly amplified and creating a nuisance for some. I trust these comment and observations are of use to you as positive feedback to the much improved Bridge Gate area that enriches the town and also contribute to the lobby to make this a bus free zone. Lets make this a truly traffic free street Yours faithfully David Burnop Posted by Kerry As a pedestrian and a car driver who lives in Hebden Bridge, I think it would be great if Bridgegate was free of all traffic, including buses. But better brains than I need to work out what that would mean for the bus services. If it was detrimental to a good public transport system in and through the town, then I'd rather have buses in Bridgegate. But hasn't it been fantastic strolling along the new cobbles, stopping to chat, enjoying people sitting outside the cafes? Let's hope the shop keepers in that area didn't get cheesed off with the noise and crowds as some of their colleagues in St George's Square seem to do... Posted by Simon Allen No buses on Bridgate Gate would be Great. As the current bus service is running efficiently and to time, it seems a no-brainer that to leave it closed to all traffic wouldn't have any impact on the Buses. I think the point is proven that the bus service does not need to run down Bridge Gate. I feel it is for the bus company to prove that they need Bridge Gate as it certainly seems they don't. I would like to add how great I think the new traffic scheme is. Posted by Frances Law Please don't let buses down the yellow brick road. I am a semi ambulatory person, and worry about being knocked over by a bus particulary as they may be coming both ways. I have tried a wheelchair on the road, and its not exactly smooth, but much better than before. But the pavement area is used by cafes and there is significant camber on the cobbles (try it in a wheelchair some time). I really hope that there will be disabled parking in the new area/square, for we have 700 parking places,and only about 10 disabled spaces, some a bit tricky (like Crossley Mill) for the limited walker/ wheelchair. But thanks for increasing the width of the pavement outside Lord Dales, and the new co-op crossing, both places I have nearly been run over or blown over in the last 2 years. I like to think that disabled participation adds diversity and interest to our town, and I moved here because when I visited I didn't get pushed over in the streets. so please include the disabled in these improvement plans, it has signifigantly helped already. See also Hebweb News