From Brian Garner I see from their website that Bronte Boats are abandoning Hebden Bridge next month and moving their operation to presumably what they feel are the greener pastures of Leeds. As we do a lot of soul-searching here about what's right and what's wrong for the Town, are there any lessons to learn from the loss of this business? Posted by Jim Band I think we can learn that a business can simply outgrow their original location, and as a result become a nuisance to other users of the canal and marina, and then throw it's toys out the pram when someone says "no, you cannot park coaches their on a long term basis". Perhaps another, smaller company could provide a similar offering without seeking to become a Disney attraction. In any case, do we really want to encourage businesses which treat their employees as poorly and unfairly as Gordon Rimer was? Posted by Simon James What we dont need are parasitic businesses such as Bronte Boats who trade on their fantastic location and give nothing back to the town. Bronte boats may say that they bring in hundreds of tourists a year, however, these tourists appear to be dropped by coach at the marina and then whisked away to other venues immediately after their canal experience. The company also has a poor reputation amongst the local community, at least with the people I speak with. We can't ignore the negative press the company has given and received, and as such I feel Hebden Bridge will be a better place without them. I don't doubt that the gap in the market will soon be filled shortly after they leave, hopefully by a company which will cooperate with the local council and bring mutual benefit to other businesses and therefore the town. Posted by Joseph S I seem to have missed something. Why do these people have such a poor reputation? Posted by Dave T Their attitude since they announced their departure sums up why this company are less than popular with locals. They have made no secret of their view that they are the only reason tourists (both local ones and people from farther afield) come to Hebden Bridge. In the couple of years they have been here they have, to use their own words from the Halifax Courier (8 Oct)"...brought success to this town." They insist that once they leave, Hebden will collapse in on itself, as they were the only thing propping the place up. Let's see shall we?