From Oscar So, nearly election time... Change is inevitable, it's the management of change that's important. That management is determined by us, the electorate, the residents, to form our new Town Council. So, lets hold the councillors to account, 'What have you done for Hebden Bridge, during your tenure?', 'Why should I vote for you?', 'Where do you stand...' - Come on Councillors, lets hear from you! Current Councillor information can be found here The very basics are surely, that Councillors attend Council Meetings… Some of the attendance figures are shocking - 15%!!! I look forward to the hustings!?! From Pat McCarthy I see the Liberal Democrats want us to replace Michael Taylor with a David O'Neill of Todmorden whose hobby is breeding budgerigars. As the Liberal Democrats have all three seats in the Calder ward there is a good chance he will be elected to represent us. But who is this David O'Neill? Don't we have enough Liberal Democrats in Hebden Bridge? What about John Beacroft-Mitchell? He often writes good sense in this forum and seems to know what is going on in HB. Do we really need a budgie breeder from Tod? How would Tod like it if one of our "George Galloway Organic Tree House Cafe" types stood in their town? From Cllr Janet Battye There was a question about Hebden Bridge and the Calder ward of Calderdale Council - Calder ward of Calderdale Council actually covers the areas of 4 Parish Councils (Heptonstall, Erringden, Wadsworth, and Blackshawhead) as well as the Hebden Bridge (Fairfield, Birchcliffe and West End wards) part of Hebden Royd Town Council and the Stoodley ward of Todmorden Town Council - David O'Neill, the LibDem candidate for Calder ward in the forthcoming election has been a Councillor on Todmorden Town Council for the Stoodley ward. Quite some area ! Janet From Councillor Susan Press Well, my nomination papers are in so that's the first hurdle over with. Now for the elections. This isn't going to be an easy year for Labour councillors. I am absolutely aware that many Government policies are, to say thr least, unpopular. This was the case four years ago and it's probably more so now. But locally, your Labour councillors have a track-record second to none. As a group, our attendance record is far better than the Liberal Democrats. We have supported dozens of community groups, backed the skateboard park, were instrumental in the Environmental Renaissance initative which led to the appointment of a Community Warden, and helped shape the traffic review which has transformed the town. We have supported Fairtrade and Make Poverty History initiatives. We don't whinge or waste money, we get stuff done. After years of neglect, Central Street is finally about to be re-vamped. That's largely down to the efforts of former Mayor and Labour councillor Stewart Brown. I admit we don't always succeed. We fought in vain against the Pitt Street closure and sometimes our planning decisions are over-ruled by Calderdale Council. But we always try to speak out for the community. Last week, I was at council to oppose plans to build new executive-style homes in a meadow on Stubbing Holme Road - proposals strongly opposed by local residents. Let's hope Calderdale Council listen. On a personal note, I'm not New Labour. Far from it. A Labour Party member for 30 years, I have been active in the anti-war movement since 2003 and went to London recently for the anti-Trident demonstration supported by our MP Chris McCafferty. In recent months, I have spent a lot of time organising meetings and supporting the campaign of John McDonnell MP to become our first-ever socialist Prime Minister. From Joseph I feel a little bit sorry for the Labour lot. Whilst its really clear that they resisted "the war" they'll still get the blame for it on May 3rd, as we all vote elsewhere to get rid of TB. From Councillor Susan Press If you don't vote for me or my Labour colleagues you won't be "getting rid of TB." He's going anyway, regardless of who you vote for. You just lose a Labour local councillor. As you say, why punish us because you don't like Tony Blair. I'm not a huge fan myself but he is expected to announce his resignation a couple of days after the May elections. From Oscar Joseph - I know what you mean, but I try to keep national politics out of local elections!?! Due to youth work, I have dealt with a number of councillors over the past couple of years. Stewart Brown has always provided excellent support and advice, he has campaigned on a number of issues and, in my opinion is an asset to our community. Saying that, I would not vote Labour, but I would vote for Stewart. I have also had excellent service from Christine Bampton-Smith. Following an email she personally telephoned me to explain her position on a specific matter. Her colleague was less courteous and replied with an email suggesting I should get a basic course in literacy! This is the same LibDem that is “seat-blocking”. In my opinion if you can’t fulfil your role as a councillor (or even bother to attend meetings) then resign, and give someone else the opportunity to benefit the community. I would like to see more independents. Those people who stand for what they, and the community believe in, without touting the party line or using (or abusing) the privilege of being a local councillor as a stepping stone to achieve personal ambition. Then again, I’ve often thought that I wouldn’t vote for anyone who actually wanted to be a councillor; they can’t possibly be the best people for the job :-) From Cllr Joanna Beacroft-Mitchell As a couple of references have been made to attendance and 'seat blocking' I feel it would be appropriate for the guilty party to respond and perhaps shed some light on the situation as I do think the circumstances need some consideration. As some people may already be aware I gave birth to my first child last February and my husband (A Lib Dem) is also on Hebden Royd Town Council. Unusually for a voluntary organisation, Hebden Royd took a decision in 2006 that councillors would not be permitted to claim any expenses incurred as a result of their volunteering. What this has meant is that, for the last 12 months whilst I have been on Maternity leave, I have not been in a financial position to pay out the £30 a month it would cost for a babysitter for the average 2 meetings of 3 hours both I and my Husband should be at. I did think about standing down and letting a bye election take place, but as the cost (statutory and out of our control) is £1800, and as I knew the seat would be up again in less than a year, I took the decision to try and attend key meetings such as the budget and town meeting and also continue to do other community work related to, but not directly linked to my being a councillor. You may think this was a good decision, you may not, and now I'm back at work and in a stronger financial position you will have an opportunity (assuming you live in Cragg) to let me know on May 3 as I do intend to stand (as an independant by the way, I'm not a Lib Dem and never have been). Whatever you feel on my personal situation, the wider point I think is one that the council needs to revisit. As a funder (I work for a local charity), I constantly advise voluntary groups to make provision so that they can offer expenses to volunteers. No-one should be prevented from offering their time because of financial or personal circumstances, and most volunteers are fortunate that they don't have to claim them, but sometimes life gets in the way. I'm not suggesting the entitlement should be paid automatically, the decision to claim should be up to the individual councillor, but in this instance Councillors, I believe, took the decision not to make expenses available because of how it would look in the papers. The question is, is it really right in this day and age for the council to discriminate against potential members because they have caring responsibilities or are on a low income ? I don't think it is,and if elected I will be raising the issue once again so that we can attract the best candidates regardless of circumstances. Hope this clarifies matters a little. Joanna Beacroft-Mitchell From Councillor Susan Press Agreed, Joanna's is a special case and I was one of the councillors to support the idea of childcare costs being paid. Wrongly, in my own view, that was rejected. If you look at the records you will clearly see that Labour's attendance far outshines most of the Liberal Democrats. One of our number, Dave Young, is the only councillor to have a four-year 100 percent attendance record. From Oscar As a Youth Service volunteer I claim no expenses and have personally funded some initiatives, that is my choice. I do have concerns regarding the payment of 'expenses' to councillors. Can I assume these expenses will be paid for by the council and therefore ultimately by the tax payer, the residents of Hebden Bridge? In that case, lets say a candidate from (for example) the fictitious 'Purple Party' is elected to the local council. Having read the manifesto I disagree with the 'Purple Party' policies. However, due to the Candidate's personal circumstances they claim expenses. Therefore, I'm funding and assisting a political candidate whose views I wholeheartedly disagree with. So, we have determined at least one item for the council agenda over the next four years. Apart from 'feathering their own nests' what else are the proposed councillors 'offering' Hebden Bridge? Posted by Rev Tony Buglass Oscar, it's called enabling democracy. We already do it - there are policies promoted at all levels of community and government with which I disagree, but my taxes help to fund them. The alternative is that we do not pay our elected representatives any expenses. That means we either exclude any who can't afford to serve (back to the days when rich MPs and councillors lorded it over us plebs and peasants), or we rely on political parties funding their own councillors, which of course simply places the bias to the rich at a different point of leverage (ie by donations to their favoured party). The only way to ensure proper democracy is to ensure that anyone is enabled to take part. If that means paying expenses, so be it. And whatever the expenses are at present, I doubt it can really be termed 'feathering their own nests.' From Joseph I'm still a greater fan of the Rev B than many of the other characters putting themselves up to represent our community. I don't know him, have never met him and spiritually I would imagine we are some (huge) distance apart. He does appear to talk sense (on this forum) in an honest compassionate kind of way which is often all you want in a person. I also like the fact that he does not post criticisms of the other main religious groups on this forum, does not slag off their policies local & national, and does not snipe at their attendance at mass/prayer/meetings. Which is nice. It seems strange to ask our secular leaders to be a little more like our religious ones mind. From Jonathan Timbers OK, so ummmmm - so what's the difference then between the political parties in terms of values and policies and why isn't Cllr Joanna a Lib Dem, she never says what she disagrees with the Lib Dems about? From Cllr Joanna Beacroft-Mitchell Jonathan, the reason I'm not a Lib Dem is the same reason I'm not a Labour member. I'm just not a 'party animal' and at Town Council level I think we should all act independently as citizens of the Hebden Royd community and vote according to our personal experiences and feelings on a given matter. Over the past 4 years the council has been at its most effective when we've ignored party affiliation and acted in the interests of Hebden Royd. Now we're coming up to elections again the whole 'my gang is better than your gang' banner waving thing has reared it's ugly head and frankly I'd rather think for myself and vote with different groups on different issues. Can't specifically remember what I've voted for and with whom because I don't think the 'with whom' bit is important. If you want to pin me down at a more national level, I strongly opposed our current governement on the War and I also think Trident is a ludicrous proposition (so I don't entirely agree with the Lib Dem stance on wait and see). I think Labour have done some great stuff in enabling the third sector (in which I work) but I could cheerfully strangle the Chancellor for his attack on Gift Aid in the last budget. John (hubby) is standing as a Liberal Democrat candidate for Calderdale and I will vote for him, he's passionate about this community and dedicated to making it better so frankly it wouldn't matter what banner he stood under (assuming he never has a brain storm and joins the BNP!). As for other issues that I'll stand for on Hebden Royd - as I said at the budget meeting I think we need to overhaul the grants process so that we can focus on need and better measure how the money is spent to reach the maximum people. Thanks From Cllr Michael Taylor Susan Press obviously believes that the departure of Mr Blair is going to make a difference. I'm sorry Susan, but the evidence is against you. 1. Iraq. Blair took us in, but Brown signed the cheques. No evidence at all that Brown has a different agenda. 2. ID cards. Brown seems willing to pay the £18 billion it's going to cost. No change there then. 3. Privatisation of the NHS. Brown has presided over the biggest sellout to the private sector of our health service because he doesn't believe the public sector can run services. [Not my words: See Professor Allyson Pollock, NHS plc, 2006] 4. Trident. Both Blair and Brown support the renewal of Trident now rather than wait till after the disarmament conference in 2010. Brown being PM won't change that. 5. Both Brown and Blair support more nuclear power stations. No move to green policies either. 6. Prime Minister Brown is going to do nothing to tackle the pensions time bomb he helped to create, nor will he help those pensioners his tax policies have put into penury. So we see a government that believes that ID cards, Trident, the war in Iraq and building more nuclear power stations as more important than funding the NHS, giving people decent pensions and tackling the problems of the environment. Detailed research has shown that Mr Brown is as unpopular as Mr Blair and totally associated with his policies. So actually it doesn't matter when Blair goes, Labour is on a hiding to nothing anyway, because the policies the Labour Government are pursuing are unpopular and wrong. From Jonathan Timbers Joanna, thank you for giving me such a full answer. From Councillor Susan Press I assume Coun Michael Taylor believes in democracy. I certainly do. To therefore state that the departure of Blair "changes nothing" is absurd. If PM, Gordon Brown may well find his ride an even tougher one and that may be no bad thing.He has to learn to accommodate all strains of opinion within the Party, including the Labour left; still obviously a minority but one growing in spirit and numbers. Almost 100 Labour MPs voted against Trident renewal (the Lib dem policy was "wait and see" as proposed by Ming the Merciless) and, though they lost the initial vote, the issue is not cut and dried by any means. As Labour CND chair Kate Hudson has said, there will be more votes - and more opportunities - to change nuclear policy. At the next General Election, things will change even more as the balance of power will be a lot more fragile. The Lib Dems may oppose ID cards (my own position) but they also opposed the minimum wage. Under the leadership of Campbell, they have veered considerably to the right. Their "Orange Book" faction is little different from the Blairites. IMHO they were daft to get rid of Kennedy. At a local level, the Liberal Democrats often dress up what are actually cuts in funding as being "prudent" (sounds like Gordon Brown, doesn't it!) They completely messed up this year's budget for the sake of a few pence per year per head of population and were only saved because Calderdale refunded us £17,500 from CCTV (something else they supported). People like Stewart Brown have tirelessly campaigned to renew Central Street, Coun Dave Young has been a champion of Environmental Renaissance. In answer to my friend Jonathon, why do we need parties? In the past 4 years, Labour councillors have worked as a coherent team. We have been pro-active, spent money, but spent it wisely. No in-fighting, no shirking either. The average attendance record is well over 90 per cent. This time round, we have another first-class team of Labour men and women variously involved in the trade union movement, anti-war and anti-BNP campaigns, and local community groups. At a national level, people like myself are doing our utmost to make Labour change direction. Before Blair resigns, you can even join the Labour Party and hopefully be able to vote for a socialist candidate, ie John McDonnell, who recently visited Hebden Bridge. If that doesn't happen, believe me the left within the Party will continue to fight back. And you can help us make that happen, rather than carping from the sidelines like the Lib Dems..... For more info on all these matters visit my blog: From Oscar Rev- I think we're going to have to 'agree to disagree' on the 'enabling democracy' debate. I also believe 'Paid Volunteer' is an oxymoron. As I previously said, I strongly believe that national politics should stay outside of local politics. Surely a councillor's position on a national issue such as Trident holds no relevance when considering solely local issues. So far I'm wholly disappointed with the proposed councillors' contributions. The only local agenda item so far is allowing themselves expenses. What about improving public transport, establishing youth venues, increasing police patrols, provision of house purchase share schemes etc etc etc. I think the proposed councillors expect to get voted in by default or general public apathy. Although it will be too late, it will be very interesting to note the minimum vote for a proposed councillor to be elected. I suspect it will be very low. Just one more observation... Considering we live in a diverse community, does the list of proposed councillors represent this? It appears to be a mix of Lib/Dem and Labour candidates with a smattering of Independents. Surely some of our more ecologically focused groups could have put up a candidate? Posted by Rev Tony Buglass Oscar, I have some sympathy with your comments about party politics and local councils. I may or may not agree with a candidate's stance on Trident, but that is only important if he's standing for national government. Against that, it is not possible to completely avoid party politics at any level because we meet the underlying ideologies at every level, and they will impact upon policy decisions appropriate to that level. So if the person seeking your support is a free-market economist, your hopes for improved public transport may be affected if you vote for them. As to "paid volunteer" - I don't think we're talking about the same issue. Paying someone an allowance without which they'd be unwilling to serve is one thing. Paying someone expenses without which they'd be unable to serve is quite another. From Cllr Joanna Beacroft-Mitchell Oscar - if you look at the 2003 results you'll find that that 'smattering of independents' represented the largest group on the council (not of course that independants can count themselves as a group - now that would be an oxymoron !). As for green representatives, we did have one at the beginning of this term, and a very good councillor he was too - especially representing green issues on planning, sadly he had to stand down and I'm fairly sure (though am willing to be corrected) that one of the reasons was Childcare ... As to other local issues, I know a number of councillors in Hebden have been active in trying to maintain our public transport links (especially to outlying areas). In Mytholmroyd John is on the committee of Roof over Youth and I'm working with Scout Road Community Group on providing more facilities for young people, I'm also on the Community Association as a council rep. and try to help them improve their services to all ages (especially advising on funding and fund raising). The Town council have no direct control over police patrols but are in regular contact with our Community Police officers both at meetings and away from them and I know that our Environmental street warden works with them closely. As to being a 'provider' of house purchase schemes, I think this is probably beyond what the Town council can do without a serious hike in the precept, but see my comments on the development thread - we'd certainly be interested to work with a Housing Association and tried to do so over Victoria Road, sadly the cost of land to develop was prohibitive on that one. I know it's election time, but I'm not willing to simply come on here and say I will do this or that as hollow promises are usually impossible to follow up on, the best I can offer is to committ to supporting all of the above and to say that I'm willing to listen to any and all suggestions from the community I'm there to represent. From Pat McCarthy Just catching up with this thread, and some interesting points made. I see we still don't know anything more about the budgie breeder from Tod. With the Conservatives not standing, he is almost certainly going to be elected to represent us for three years. We know little about him - he doesn't appear to have ever commented here. I just searched for 'David O'Neill' on the Hebweb search. Calder ward is beginning to feel a little like a rotten borough and the budgie breeder is being given a safe seat by the LibDem powers that be. He doesn't have to say a single word. From Simon Hayles Calderdale council has treated Hebden Bridge like a second-class citizen over the past few years, frequently overruling the Town Council in planning matters and filling the town centre with unplanned and unappealing clutter. Hebden desperately needs a representative on the council who understands local issues and will do something about them. I don't believe that David O'Neill (apparently a Todmorden town councillor who doesn't even live in the ward) will fill this role at all. As a non-party person it seems clear to me that Stewart Brown is the right candidate for the ward. I take a keen interest in local politics and have admired Stewart Brown's valuable contribution over past years. It says a lot that I've never even heard of David O'Neill! I want to use my vote where it will count and I urge others to do likewise. From Joseph You have to see the bigger picture here. As a lifetime Labour supporter who has lost faith after the war and started to stray here is how I see it. We vote Democrat/Indep at the May elections giving Mr Blair such an unheard of kicking that when the proper (apologies for being rude to local councillors) elections come round, people like me would be so scared of letting the Tories in that we all come back to the fold. In that sense its worth losing a few Town Council seats, in pursuit of a greater good. From Simon Hayles Joseph - The Lib-Dems and Tories have caused endless trouble in Hebden Bridge aready and you suggest giving them even more power in an attempt to 'give Tony Blair a kicking'? This is exactly the sort of muddled thinking that has got us into the mess we're in! Tony Blair has already disgraced himself and he's leaving soon (praise be!) so what you'd be 'giving a kicking' to would be Hebden Bridge! Voting the way you suggest is like keeping your child from school in order to teach the Education Minister a lesson. Result: The Education Minister takes no notice and your child's education suffers! This election is your only chance to improve the lot of this valley. Please don't let your (understandable) anger cloud your better judgement. Focus on local issues and vote for local, effective candidates. From Councillor Susan Press I see. "For the greater good" voters should kick out hard-working local councillors. To "give Blair a kicking." Why exactly do you think Blair is going three years before he actually has to? He knows full well he's a liability - and he's got to go. Job done. I think you will find Blair announces his resignation on May 10. By which time, following your logic, you will be delighted to have got rid of all the Labour councillors (best council attenders, vast amount of experience in the trade union and labour movement, anti-war campaigners, socialists of various hues but all centre-left) and replaced them with others perhaps less political, informed, aware, or even possibly interested in anything other than giving us a drubbing on Thursday. Blair is history. If you make Labour on Hebden Royd history too, the only thing you will achieve is a less effective, pro-active, ethical council. At Calderdale Council level, you are unlikely to find anyone who works as hard for the community as Labour's Stewart Brown. From Joseph I'm really sorry Cllr Press, it is still the war. Whilst I am pretty sure you were against it, he's your man and the fact that Labour have failed to get rid of him/ hold him to account in the past 3 years does not reflect well on the Labour Party. I'll never vote Tory, so the vote has to go elsewhere. My contact with local councillors is only through this forum. It has been disappointing to see how little input we have received over the last year from elected members. It would have been nice to see someone defending the yellow cobbles, or Mike's statues, or the Victoriana of the new lighting because for the most part, whoever is responsible for the new town centre has done a fantastic job, and its a vast improvement. It would be refreshing for example to see an intelligent debate on planning and the needs of the community for low cost housing, as opposed to knee jerk nimbyism, or some real practical support for the bonfire etc. Lead the debate, even if your views are unpopular, and steer clear of the national stuff and interparty sniping. If we come to associate you with national issues, then unfortunately you get the blame for it when it all goes pear shaped. Sorry. From Jacob Unless, Joseph., like me they think that the yellow cobblestones are hideous and that Mike's carvings (they are not statues) are even worse. From Councillor Susan Press I begin to lose patience. Let me say this again. All those improvements you mention have been possible largely down to the efforts of Labour. Couns Stewart Brown and Dave Young (and Independent Paul Monahan) attended countless Traffic Review meetings to get the town centre sorted. Believe me, that takes some commitment. They are three hours long every time. Our attendance records at council are well over 90 per cent. I have missed two council meetings in the last year (once ill, once on holiday). For a few pennies on the precept, Labour has spearheaded initiatives like the Environmental Community Warden (no matter what the Lib Dems are now claiming credit for) and the town's Project Officer. Dozens of groups locally have had our support. But OK. Go ahead. Vote for a less effective and committed town council. Blair is "my man." What twaddle. For the past four years I have campaigned against Blair and against the war. Our MP has called on him to stand down several times. So has the local constituency. As reported on the news last night, he's going to announce his resignation next week. Yes, I've already got the cava in. But, if we hadn't done any of that, if I personally hadn't publicly supported anti-war Labour leadership candidate and socialist John McDonnell, you might have voted Labour. What kind of logic is that? Can I just say to everyone else, Labour councillors in Hebden Royd have worked damned hard. Don't punish us, and the local community, for the policies of someone who won't even be in the Government, let alone Prime Minister, in a few weeks' time. From Ian So there you have it! A few people disagree with Councillor Susan Press and she " begins to lose patience" How typical of New labour and all that it holds dear. Councillor Press, the views and opinions of the people who elected you are valid and important. Perhaps you should listen to those views instead of dismising them with flippant comments. You are, after all, only as good as your last election! A final point to ponder. If you and your colleagues are so opposed to Tony Blair and all that he stands for why have you not resigned from your positions and stood as independants this time? From Pat McCarthy Susan Press's frustration is understandable. Most of us really don't appreciate just what is involved in being a councillor, and all the unseen work which they do. I think Susan Press is to be congratulated for arguing her corner - how many other councillors have been prepared to do the same? Either here or elsewhere? What have we heard from the budgie-breeder from Tod? Not a tweet. From Emma And a big "thank you" to Hebweb for keeping us informed about the election. There was hardly a mention in the local paper over the past couple of weeks. From Councillor Susan Press Thanks for the debate.Thanks for the support. We live in a democracy, so today's your chance to say what you think. One last point. I will never leave the Labour Party as long as there are socialists in it. And, believe me, there are still many. Despite New Labour. We have a dozen Labour candidates standing in Hebden Royd and two great Labour candidates in Calder and Luddendenfoot who have worked tirelessly. After the elections, whatever happens, if anyone is interested in joining the Labour Party, please e-mail me or ring me on 01422 845276. It will soon be a Blair-free zone! From Christine Bampton-Smith I would like to thank all those who voted for me in the Hebden Royd Election on May 4th, for the Caldene Ward. I am now the longest serving member of the Town Council, having represented my ward for over twenty years. I look forward to working with both former and new members of all groups to achieve the best we can for the local communities of Mytholmroyd and Hebden Bridge. Thanks Christine Bampton-Smith
See also Hebweb News - 13th April - biogs Hebweb News - 11th April - Town candidates Hebweb news - 29th March - Calderdale candidates