Discussion Forum
Hanging baskets

From Jason Boom - ECW Hebden Royd Town Counci
Monday, 25 June 2007

Have we got it right?

The comments so far have been very positive but what do you think? Drop me a line and let me know, or leave a message so everybody knows.

From Kathleen B
Tuesday, 26 June 2007

A superb colourful display. A delight to walk around the Hebden Bridge pedestrian areas. Hope it will happen every year. Well done to all concerned

From Rob Collins
Tuesday, 26 June 2007

I was thinking about these yesterday while I was being lashed with rain between Maskills and the guitar shop.

Not really in keeping with the image of a gritty Northern mill town I thought and a bit too Cotswolds chintzy for the trendy designer cafe-bar continental image as well.

But as a cost effective way of brightening the place up with a bit of summer colour, I'm all for them. Thanks :)