From Gwen G
Every day now there are vehicles parked on our lovely cobbled marina, despite the prominent notice saying Authorised Vehicles Only and that others will be clamped. I fear that unless something is done we will see this valued open space turning into a free car park and another of our amenities will disappear. Posted by Dave H Posted by Kevin S Dave, Yes great idea to have a market or some other interest on the marina. I posted on here back in april about the farmers market being held on a Sunday in a car park and surely those spaces are definetley needed on sundays. It seems to me the people who get things done in hebden bridge only want to read posts about the square / pedestrian area but Hebden Bridge should not just revolve around there. I dont blame people for using the marina to park on why not when they are using car parks for other things. Posted by Rachel P I think suggestion to use marina for temporary entertainment is great. I have an idea that the marina needs to be kept clear of cars or other such fixed obstructions for safety reasons ie. access for emergency vehicles. Nothing should be parked there but someone must have permission to remove bollards in order to park there. One rule for some, another for everyone else. Maybe a deal has been struck and someone pays to park/have access to the area. I don't know. I am one of Morris dancers that has danced on the paved area in front of Tourist Info/Flying Saucers and have also enjoyed watching performances on the marina in years before area became a parking space it would be great if it could be reclaimed as safe pedestrian space. Posted by Mel Watson In response to Gwen G maybe Mr Mann needs to be asked a few 'simple' questions: Who erected the signs? Once an answer has been received from the last question, the questionning can start again at the second one. Posted by Lesley M Parking on the marina really spoils the look and feel of the place. Sad people who won't pay to park their cars just yards away ruin a public amenity. Farmers markets, performances etc. are great for enlivening the marina but they are only a temporary solution. Really there needs to be a total ban on vehicles on the marina. The bollards need to be padlocked 24 hours a day with a key held by the Visitor Information Centre and the police. Posted by Sharon Pickard The Marina is the base for the operation of the MCA compliant 58 a 11 foot wide beam canal cruise boat ( and for Calder Valley Cruisers for many years before us ) There is vehicular access for the loading and unloading of the goods and materials we need to operate the business.We cannot carry glass bottles etc across the Marina by hand , its too dangerous and the Council have granted us access permits. The Boat Search and Rescue Plan is lodged on the Marina and in the event of an emergency , the Marina is the central co-ordination point for all the Emergency services and the control vans etc. This access is mandatory and as such the Marina cannot be locked off. Some of us may remember the Marchioness disaster on the Thames , the current MCA passenger recording procedure and the SAR plans all derived after this appalling accident. I am sure Hebden Bridge residents would not want to risk life and limb by stalling any emergency service access. Bronte Boats has brought in in excess of 18,000 passengers in the last 12 months of trading, many spend money in the local shops, hostelries, hotels etc and are a valuable part of the towns economy which we hope will continue to expand but we do need some understanding of what we need to maintain a safe vessel with passenger safety being our paramount priority. We have tried to hold events of the Marina as we also agree that the wharf could be used for a wonderful variety of option s, local crafts , bazaars , music etc. The cost of the Public Liability Insurance has been the stop point as we cannot afford it. We did ask about moving the Farmers Market but were told that no-one was vailable to bring the stall structures down to the Wharf. The Coach parking facilities in Hebden Bridge are a limiting factor in our business as well as many others in the town but thats a different story! One activity that would help the appearance of the Marina is some help in clearing up after the drinking bouts that occur here, mainly at the weekend.We routinely clear the broken bottles and glasses ,remains of drug use as well as the goose excrement to keep it a safe and clean place to spend time.Local support o keep it a safe and clean place would be a direct benefit to all. Posted by Daniel F This so called “public amenity” has many working practices, and caters for both BronteBoats and various other cruise liners, along with hire boats and people who of course live on the boats, so I would prefer to refer to this as a working environment, which has of course recently revamped. The Marina has to have access under Martine and Coast Guard Agency regulations, incase of an emergency. People forget how dangerous the canal can actually be. Not to mention the fact that there is a “dry dock” in the marina, used for maintenance. These maintenance vans have to have access to the marina. Not least forgetting the company who operates there, bringing thousands of visitors into the town every year, running dining cruises and many other events for the public, bringing thousands of tourists into Hebden Bridge, think of the other local businesses this is supporting! Today, I saw 2 cars parked on the Marina. Whilst yes, I can appreciate there is a public car park nearby, parking restrictions do not allow you to prepay for a full day (6 hours max). How would this work for someone working? I am in favor of having a Marina accessible to all, but this would only be possible if everyone helped out. Every weekend youths gather in this area, causing upteens amount of damage such as broken glass bottles. Who cleans this up? I can assure you it isn’t the people who are moaning about the odd car here or there? I urge retired people with nothing to do, allow Hebden Bridge to grow through tourism, and not moan about the ‘spoilt view’, and in the great scheme of things, this is such a small issue. People should focus their energies into worth while projects, rather than make business even harder in such a small town. From Gwen G I don't suppose anyone is concerned about Bronte Boats service vehicles on the marina - presumably they come in the category of 'authorised user' and in any case need to supply and maintain their vessels. What is of concern is the number of other cars parking there, maybe for people to use local eating places, go to shops or simply looking for somewhere to park without charge while at work. There is no regular pattern. Sometimes there are no cars on the marina. Sometimes as many as ten when it would seem unlikely they all belong to Bronte Boats. From Zilla Brown "I urge retired people with nothing to do, allow Hebden Bridge to grow through tourism, and not moan about the ‘spoilt view’, and in the great scheme of things, this is such a small issue." Come on! Where does Daniel F get the idea that the only people commenting on the marina parking, or indeed with a general interest in the future of Hebden, are retired- and another complacent assumption of his - with nothing to do? Thereby he displays his own thoughtless predjudice.It's about time this casual abuse of our more experienced members of society stopped. Is this a valid or useful way of trying to justify an argument anyway? Posted by Lesley M Of course Bronte Boats and the dry dock have to be able to make their deliveries, unloading what they need. There is no reason for an empty car or van to stay parked on the marina all day. That is simply trying to get free parking when everyone else has to pay. The rescue services could easily have a key for the marina along with the Visitor Information Centre and the police. Indeed, there could be a locked glass box, like those to be found on railway trains, inside which is the emergency hammer/key to gain access to the marina. The marina loses its amenity value when vehicles are parked there. Vehicles take up a lot of space, leave oil marks and generally get in the way of people using the space for picnics, etc. the presence of vehicles indicates the space is not for leisure use. I don't think Calderdale Council in granting access rights to Bronte Boats meant that they would receive free all-day parking. Of course there are other people who work nearby (in Crown Street?) who often park all-day at the marina. Posted by Jane Narez Interesting, I have to say I agree with both sides of this arguement. I have friends and family in Hebden Bridge, and have stayed here. On a different note, the owner of a hotel, just across the road from the marina informed me to park there, and he parks there. I strongly disagreed with this, and parked in the pay and display car park, slept in and got a parking ticket - but thats my fault. I think perhaps Daniel phrased his comments incorrectly, but I can agree that the older people generally do cause more trouble, and do not consider other factors (such as the size of the company etc!). I personally think Bronte Boats should be allowed to park there, dry dock people but after that its restricted, ie no hotel people etc. Posted by Sharon Pickard The Marina …. another Saturday night and we (Bronte Boats) have again met with blatant and very visible drug abuse on the Marina as we return from a relaxing dining cruise and not in the early hours either but when lots of residents are out and about. Is this a good image and use of the marina? Blatant drug and drink use in front of visitors who think Hebden Bridge is a nice place to spend time and money? I could run the risk of requesting Police help but then there is the real threat of retaliation and we already get enough vandalism as it is. I feel passionately about this town and how it is perceived by visitors and locals alike and since we started here have been trying to attract more use of the under-utilised resource that the town has (Arts, Crafts, Bazaars, music etc ). The cost of the Third Party Insurance and the red tape in trying to achieve this has stopped any success. If the Marina is to be used to its full capacity why is nothing done about its misuse? The broken glass and bottles, the drunken behaviour that all add up to making it a no-go area at times and certainly a threatening place to be at when we are loading and offloading guests. I am aware this may sound trite but if the Town is really concerned about the condition of the Marina (parking, oil spots etc ) why aren’t there real concerns about the welfare of the youth in the town, the opinion of visitors when they experience the glass and the threat to children and families when walking on the Marina? Join us on a Sunday morning and help us clean up the mess and realise what the real threat to the Marina is. Lets work together and organise events , share the costs and make the Marina a focal part of the town. Lets stop the drug abuse in the town. Locals must know who they are Or, lets complain about oil spots, that are easy to rectify with Washing Up liquid. See HebWeb News