Discussion Forum

The Hebweb Forum is for discussion of local issues or wider issues which have an importance to us in the Calder Valley. Please note that this Forum is moderated - messages don't appear immediately but as soon as our team has weeded out the spam, and those which don't follow our guideliness (see below).
Please don't post my email address.

Forum guidelines

The Hebden Bridge Web Discussion Forum is moderated in order to maintain a good quality of debate.

The Discussion Forum is for discussion of local issues or national issues which have an importance to us in the Calder Valley. Messages which use bad language, are libellous or which insult other contributors, may be amended or left off. Messages without genuine names and email addresses will be posted at our discretion.

We now include an option to not post email addresses. We would prefer emails to be included as this adds validity to the posting, and enables correspondents to email each other.

The Hebden Bridge Web is committed to the promotion of good writing. We would ask contributors to make the effort to spell correctly and use the normal sentence and grammatical conventions. Carelessly written or ill thought out posts may not be posted. Starred messages are examples (in our view) of excellent, original or well constructed pieces of writing.

The Hebden Bridge Web does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information presented. The messages express the views of the author, not necessarily the views of the Hebden Bridge Web.

Messages may be edited or deleted at the discretion of the Hebden Bridge Web.

The Forum is not the place advertising or events.

Hebden Bridge Web


Hebden Bridge Web