From Susan Quick I am deeply concerned re the location of the Big Green Weekend. The cobbled area of the Marina is virtually inaccessible for those of us who are disabled. I'm lucky I don't use a wheelchair; during two brief visits I saw three wheelchair users. Sij's carer told me it was almost impossible to push Sij over the cobbles. Why is the weekend being held on the marina? Someone said they think it very dangerous because of the traffic. One of the stall-holders told me the Council had told them they had to hold it on the marina. Which Council? Hebden of Halifax? And why couldn't one of the other market areas be used? There are two large fully accessible market spaces in the centre of Hebden away from the dangers of heavy traffic. Please if we are going to promote Hebden as a Green and environmentally friendly town, lets pay attention to full disabled access. Susan Quick From Kevin S Its about time they used the Marina for something, and from the amount of visitors the Big Green Weekend market had, it was a perfect location and a huge success. For once a market has been situated correctly, out and away from a Another option would have been the pedestrian area up and down either side. Again this area is never used enough the Farmers' Market and weekly markets could be held along there but no they choose to use a car park, or was it always meant just so the cafes could rent table and chair space? Let's use these areas more and keep the car parks for parking. From Jason Elliott Thank you Susan for raising a valid point. As the person who put this together, I am very happy to explain why this happened. This left the Marina as the best bet. I appreciate that the cobbles are very difficult to negotiate, of course for people in wheelchairs, but in far greater numbers parents with children in buggies, but unfortunately there was no real alternative.