From Heather Thurley I am a 15 year old teenager living in Old Town, one of the villages above Hebden Bridge. I have lived here for 12 years now, I grew up with the "drunk, drug users, criminals" that spend their evenings in the park, and now I feel intimidated by the majority of them. I used to hang around with them on Friday and Saturday nights at the very young age of 13. I got on the wrong side of a few of them, and now I am scared of going into Hebden Bridge centre in the day, let alone at night. Hebden Bridge is definitely a problem, and something needs to be done about the youths. I think the boxing club was a good idea. It would definitely interest me, and still being friends with a few of the youths in Hebden, I know it would interest them too. But tha'ts like what, an hour one evening a week? The youths of Hebden need something to entertain them 24/7. And to be honest, I do'nt think a new youth club would achieve much. I definitely wouldn't be interested in going, and I doubt many teens in Hebden would. I don't know what to suggest, other than whatever it is that may be done, should be available 24/7. I have a 10 year old sister who is going to Calder High next September, and I dont want her getting in to drink and drugs at the young age I did. From Kate Dakers Hi Heather, I'm working on getting a boxing project off the ground and one of the things I have to do to make it happen, is to establish that this really is something people want in their town. Something that would have enough support from the youth, to warrant it being more than just an hour a week. I'd like to speak to as many young people as possible and as I didn't grow up around here, I could use the help. Perhaps you could contact me via my email address here?