From Kevin S Big Green Market again this year. What a great idea, many thanks to the organisers. Last year it brought a lot of visitors into the town and was ideally situated on the marina. But why are we this year holding it in a car park that is much needed in this town. The same happens with the farmers' market. We have a pedestrian area which could be used for stalls up and down either side and would be a great setting, but all this pedestrian area seems to be used for is cafes' tables and chairs. From Jason Elliott It's a good question, and one that has a number of answers. Firstly, and for me personally, most importantly, the cobbles at the Marina make it very hard to access for disabled people or people pushing children in buggies. Secondly, having the market on the town side of the A646 means that many more residents will be able to visit without having to cross the main road. For people with small children that is a great advantage. Thirdly, regarding the use of the pedestrian area, the Highways Dept of Calderdale MBC would require £700 each day to close Bridge Gate off to traffic. (No, I can't quite figure that one out either.) I have also been reliably informed by a Council source that certain indentifiable shops/cafes would, regardless of what actually occured, claim that their business had been hit by the close proximity of market traders and claim money from the Council. Fourthly, alternative parking is being made available (although I'm not quite ready to disclose where yet, except to say that it will use spaces that are normally used by people working Monday to Friday.) Fifth, to have the market at the Marina this year would apparently require barriers to be fixed along the side off the canal, just in case anyone fell in. Not cheap...