From Patsy F It's very sad to learn of the too-early death of Roger Bogg (the HB Picture House projectionist) 8 days ago. But what a way to go - for a man like that who so loved his job, to die in his projection room while running a film! I can't imagine a better death for such a committed enthusiast. I first met him over 20 years ago when the Calderdale Community Film Project showed an evening of their work, called 'Hebden Bridge Goes to Hollywood' at The Picture House. In the adrenalin-charged preparations, dizzy with our own glory, one of us lost his favourite small screwdriver - and he was furious! It wasn't a particularly special one (or so we thought) and we bought him a posh new one, but he was incandescent and inconsolable because it was HIS screwdriver and nothing could replace! Weeks later, after his Victor Meldrew act faded, I got to know him better and discovered his humour and sly wit. He was a super bloke and has gone too soon. Cinema Paradiso won't be the same without him. Is it too early to think about some sort of memorial at the cinema? I think he deserves remembering after serving HB film lovers for over 40 years. Maybe Hebden Royd Council could start a fund with a sum, followed up by an appeal at The Picture House. I'm certain a lot of the local film audience would like the chance of donating say, the price of a ticket. From Cllr Janet Battye I'm sure that we'll all have good memories of the service that Roger gave to us through the Picture House. I've asked Calderdale Council Officers to make sure that something is done to mark his contribution. They tell me that they are planning to show some of his favourite films - probably during the month of August because the programme for July has already been booked. That sounds like a good idea but a lasting tribute would be also be fitting - ideas welcome! From Cllr Catherine Groves I wll be raising this as a special item at the HRTC council meeting on Wednesday. Of course it would be only fit to commemorate Roger in some way, and I'm pleased that Councillor Battye is tsking it up with Calderdale as well. See also