From Adrian M I was very interested in reading on the Hebweb about an action group to build affordable homes for local people. The old mill in Victoria Road is currently being demolished along with the former medal factory next to it. I would suggest that this would be an ideal place for the proposed affordable housing. From Mike R Sorry Adrian but that isn't going to happen, at least not on this site. Check out Application 06/01770/FUL on the Calderdale Planning website and see for yourself the architectural delights we've been promised in the not too distant future. Personally I don't know which I prefer: empty, derelict post-industrial sheds or the bland, stone-faced blockhouses that pass for apartments these days. It seems a shame that, in a town that's crying out for affordable, sensible, innovative housing choices, all we get are these non-vibrant, non-funky homogenised coops and their attendant 'commercial' units. Old Gate, Valley Road, Bridge Lanes - so much to look forward too, I can hardly wait. From Gerard Liston Not surprised to hear that the buildings on Victoria Road are not ear-marked for affordable housing. We're pursuing ideas for development of the old manse building next to Hope Baptist Church - and eager to respond to feedback from public consultation that indicated a strong desire to create affordable social housing. We're in discussions with a housing association and Calderdale Council - but are very open to ideas and input from folk in the neighbourhood. From Kiwi N There are some beautiful derelict buildings around Hebden Bridge that are screaming out to be converted into houses/ apartments before they become so delapidated that they will have to be demolished. Keep the history by renovating what is already here and not knock things down to pave the way for new buildings. I have seen the new buildings/ offices earmarked for building in Old Gate, and I thought it was a crying shame. Yes they look like any other building in any other town in Britain.... and I thought Hebden Bridge was trying to save itself from being a 'clone' town! It is a unique place and should be preserved as such! Hebden should not be campaining to 'save Hebden' See Hebweb News: Community Self-Build Housing