FOE backs Blair on fuel duty

Posted by Charles Secret ( on September 11, 2000 at 21:16:30:

Congratulations to the Prime Minister for refusing to reduce duty on petrol. It is crucial to keep prices high to combat climate change and meet the UK's 20 per cent carbon dioxide reduction target.

“This crisis has been fuelled by the lack of political leadership. Politicians of all parties,led by the Prime Minister, must now help business and consumers wake up to the terrible consequences of global climate
change and the need to drastically cut back on our use of fossil fuels.”

“Moving to a fossil-free economy will have huge economic benefits through measures such as energy efficiency and the development of renewables. The technology is already here, whether it be for vehicles,
the home or industry. All that is lacking is a political will to develop them. Unless we take action to tackle this terrible problem millions of people around the world, including Britain, will be either killed, left
homeless or face financial ruin.”