US choir visits as part of Sacred Harp Tour

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Wainsgate was opened on 5th June for a visiting group of Americans (from all over the States), part of the UK Sacred Harp Heritage Tour. At home, many of these visitors meet regularly to sing from the 1844 Sacred Harp songbook.

They were particularly interested in the Wainsgate Chapel because that was where John Fawcett preached and wrote some of their favourite hymns - in particular "The Tie that Binds" and another from the Sacred Harp songbook. Dr John Fawcett became minister at Wainsgate in 1764. While at Wainsgate, they were able to view an exhibition of the history of the chapel by the Hebden Bridge History Society.

The visitors also saw the 1777 Ebenezer Chapel near Organic House on Market Street, Hebden Bridge built by Fawcett and his congregation.

They went on to sing at a chapel in York. Among other places they will visit is Olney (Buckinghamshire), the church of John Newton the writer of Amazing Grace.


Chapel opened up for the choir's visit.


Visiting the burial ground


Jet lagged Americans
from the sacred harp choir.


Outside the chapel


Getting ready to sing


Singing in the chapel


Preace to the Sacred Harp songbook.


This is the book from which the
Sacred Harp choir sing


The Wainsgate Hymn by Dr Fawcet
known as "The Tie that Binds."


Sacred Harp Choir

Thanks to Friends of Wainsgate for this info and photos

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