Arts at the Kebs

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Over the past year a group of budding artists have been meeting at a Blackshawhead pub to develop their skills and to produce work in a range of media. Their labours bore fruit last Friday when the pub was  packed for the opening of an exhibition of their work.

The venue is the Sportsmans Arms, or ‘Kebs’ as is it is usually known, and the group consisted of between 10 & 16 students, who met every Monday evening under the expert tutoring of local artist and art teacher Peter Stanyer.

Mr Stanyer (‘Stan’ to his friends) said “The art courses are for beginners or those with some experience wanting to learn more. The beginners are taught through a well structured progressive step by step course while those with more experience develop further there own artistic interests. I am hoping to start a new course for any interested beginners in late September. Attendance to the course is flexible and students can attend as and when they wish.
It is primarily a leisure course aimed at beginners and improvers.

The sessions are from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm, as this ties in with the local bus service from Hebden Bridge.

“I am very grateful to Steve, the landlord of the Sportsman's Arms, who has been very supportive of the group,” said Stan, “Steve’s aim is to make the ‘Kebs’ an arts pub, with drama and live music. There are always folk musicians as well as our classes in the pub on Monday evenings, and live bands most weekends. For further information you can contact Steve on 01706 813449”.

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