Tuesday, 18 September 2007


Hebden Bridge is playing host to an alternative “Labour Party Conference.” Left-wing MPs, including leadership challenger John McDonnell, will be meeting at the Trades Club, Holme Street, on Saturday September 29.

Just two days after the end of Labour’s annual Conference in Bournemouth, activists will be gathering for the one-day forum, which has the theme of 21st century Socialism.

They will be debating ways of recruiting new Labour Party members and putting socialism back on the agenda. The event is being organised by Hebden Royd Town Councillor Susan Press, who is a member of the Labour Representation Committee, which has hundreds of members  all over the country.

Susan has told the Hebden Bridge Web, "Traditionally, the Labour Party has always been a broad church with all kinds of different views represented in Government. And before he became Leader, Gordon Brown spoke of making sure his was a   “government of all the talents.”

“Unfortunately, so far he has chosen to appoint Tories and Liberal Democrats to key roles yet completely ignored the left of the Party, which has a wealth of knowledge and expertise which could help Labour to an historic fourth term.

“I believe it’s time to make it clear that many of us in the Labour Party have a different view and wish that to be reflected in the policies and values which we put to the electorate.”

  The September 29 event will be held between 12 noon and 5pm. Other speakers will include Halifax MP Linda Riordan and Mike Wood, MP for Batley and Spen.

LRC Chair John McDonnell said: ”There has never been a more important time to unite to campaign to change the political direction of our country and our world. We are campaigning for a Labour Party which puts people before profit, defends jobs and services and supports peace over war. We hope as many people as possible wil join us on the day.”  

Tickets for the event cost £5 (£2 unwaged) and will include a buffet lunch and copy of Another World Is Possible, by John McDonnell MP.  More info: or contact Coun Susan Press on

See also

Hebweb News: Would-be Labour leader visits Hebden Bridge
(March 2007)


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