New Plans for Garden Street Friday, 4 July 2008 Update: Replies to 10 questions posed in April Thursday, 3 July 2008 Update: When asked by the Courier to respond to the announced consultation, Anthony Rae for the Garden Street Action Group said: "Announcing on Wednesday a public consultation starting the next day and ending 2 days later is absolutely not good enough. Many people won't know about it or be able to attend; as just one exampe, I'm away from Hebden Bridge throughout those 3 days so can neither take part in or observe the process. For the Council, as joint promoter of this scheme, to say that they are 'keen for people to have their say" in these circumstances is just inept, since they know that the developer's previous 'consultation exercise' last year was similarly flawed and much criticised". Stop press: Calderdale Council has now apologised to the Action Group for the inadequate notice of this consultation exercise and promises to rectify the matter as soon as possible. Thursday, 3 July 2008 A revised planning application has been submitted for development at Garden Street Hebden Bridge. The Hebden Bridge Web news reporter has just returned from the plans exhibition opposite the council offices. A dozen people were in there arguing against the plans with David Fletcher who was trying to say how much they will benefit the town. The new application apparently responds to comments raised by members of the public when the original application was submitted earlier this year. The newly proposed scheme will include 160 car parking spaces, a hidden car stacker system - an automatic multi storey car park which reduces the time taken for the driver to park, 48 residential properties of which 10 per cent will accommodate affordable housing, eight small retail units and eight starter enterprise units for small local businesses. Two-thirds of the site to be retained as landscaped pedestrian open space. The Council say they are keen for people to have their say. The developers are launching an exercise to ensure that the public have a chance to make representations. The public exhibition will be held on three consecutive dates at Wragleys House (next to St. George's Bridge), Valley Road, Hebden Bridge HX7 7BN. Thursday 3rd July 2008 10am-4pm Ian Thompson, Group Director for Regeneration and Development said: "Hebden Bridge is a thriving town attracting more than 125,000 visitors a year. This is a significant proposal and it is important that local people and businesses have a chance to comment and help the proposals develop." The plans will be subject to three weeks consultation and will ultimately go to Planning Committee later this year. See also Links at top right of this page