Garden Street Report
for Calderdale Cabinet:

- development brief



1.1 In September 2001 Calderdale Borough Council through its consultants Bertram Shepherd Ltd., commenced the Hebden Bridge Dist(ict Centre Review, which entailed the detailed examination of its traffic and transport networks. The first stage of the review was completed in early 2002. The second stage of the review has recently been completed and a public consultation is currently underway. Part of the review, considered the possibility of the construction of a 'split level' car park on the current site of the Garden Street Car Park. The aim of this proposal is to facilitate the development of a split level car park accommodating three levels of car parking spaces with terraced type accommodation above.

1.2 The site is within the Hebden Bridge conservation area, an area of special architectural or historical interest, the character of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance' (Unitary Development Plan p65). Any redevelopment of the site must reflect the character of this historic town although this would allow for a contemporary design.

1.3 Histo(ically there was six storeys' of residential development on this site. Hebden Bridge is famous for it's 'double deckec housing. These houses feature "bottom houses" (2 storeys' and a cellar) accessed from a street below and "top house" (2 storeys' and an attic) accessed from a street at a higher level on the hillside. Garden Street had a similar development with up to six storeys' of residential property accessed from Garden Street and Commercial Street. Although this form of development is not necessarily appropriate today, it does indicate the scope for imaginative design solutions.

1.4 The community of Hebden Bridge has been heavily involved with the Upper Calder Valley Rural Renaissance Market Towns Initiative. This is a Yorkshire Forward initiative to develop a long term regeneration vision for the valley, working with a team of regeneration experts and members of the local community. Within this 'visioning' process traffic congestion and car parking have emerged as major concerns within the valley and in particular in Hebden Bridge.

1.5 The vision suggests that attempts should be made to reduce traffic levels and to develop more integrated transport arrangements. The key aim is to improve the quality of life in the Upper Calder Valley, to increase safety; and reduce pollution and congestion by

• Introducing state of the art public transport system

• Tackle parking and traffic problems

• Improve attractiveness of walking, cycling and public transport use

1.7 John Thompson and Partners, the Gonsultants commissioned to Garry out this exercise have voiced their support for a development of this kind in Garden Street.


2.1 The purpose of this brief is to provide a framework of policies and development constraints, within which developers and architects can develop their own imaginative solutions.

2.2 There will be a two stage process towards the selection of a developer. The first stage will be to invite developers with an interest in the proposal, A short list will be selected, based upon track record of delivery and the understanding of the site and its context. It is proposed to short list no more than four to proceed to the second stage. The second stage for the short-listed developers will involve the preparation of detailed schemes and a financial offer for the site.


3.1 The site of the possible development is shown on the enclosed map.

3.2 There are currently 42 public car-parking spaces within the thick black lined boundary line. The propos-al is to try to increase the provision of public car parking up to 180 spaces, as part of a comprehensive mixed use scheme. The feasibility of achieving this figure will have to be investigated in greater detail by the developer.

3.3 The site is subject to a Parking Places Order for public car parking. This order would need to be revoked as approp~ate at the Developers expense.

3.4 There is currently no evidence to suggest that the mute through the Garden Street Car Park from either end of Albert Street is a vehicular highway. There are no definitive rights of way through the car park and currently no claims to suggest that public rights might have been acquired. Claims on both issues cannot however be precluded at some future date and would have to be assessed in detail on their merits at that time.


4.1 The objectives of this development aims to work in collaboration and in parallel to the strategic visioning process of the Rural Renaissance work going on in the Upper Calder Valley.

4.2 Hebden Royd Partnership Action Plan identifies that there is a need to "increase ... off-street car parking for visitors, local businesses and residents". Increasing this provision would be used to withdraw more onstreet parking, thus creafing more public space and a better environment.

4.3 Currently Hebden Bridge looks to its disfinc~ve environmental features to attract visitors to the area. The investment gained by these visitors is extremely important to the town and it is therefore essential that Hebden Bridge continues to attract these visitors to ensure vibrant and successful businesses and consequently a successful town economy.


5.1 The proposed development would consist of multi- storey car park, comprising of the existing surface parking on Garden Street plus at least two levels provided within a split level car park structure. At a top level, above the highest level of the car park, residential or other developments would be considered.

5.2 Consideration needs to be given to the acmss to the development for both vehicles and pedestrians. Initial thoughts suggest that site access should generally be from Garden Street at the lower level, using the one way vehicular access to Garden Street from the northern end of Albert Street and the two way access to the site from the southern end of Albert Street.

5.3 Higher level access to the site from Commercial Street would be problematical because of highway considerations, and proposals for this would have to be carefully considered by the Council. Individual vehicular or pedestrian access would not be acceptable but it might be a possibility for a 'in' only access for vehicles/ pedestrian at a single point, depending on the proposal.

5.4 Any intensification of the use of the Tanpits access onto Albert Street would not be advised, in view of its proximity to the junction with New Road.

5.5 The Developer needs to consider the current Hebden Bridge Traffic Review in terms of its 'public' car parking requirements

5.6 The form and style of the development would be a matter for the Developer to propose.


6.1 Whilst taking into account the provisions of the Unitary Development Plan adopted in April 1997 (first bracket) and the Replacement Unitary Development Plan (second bracket) as a whole, particular regard should be given to the following policies:

(I) Conservation Area (N37) (GBE1, BE1,BE20,BE21)

Any development proposal in a conservation area must preserve or enhance the character or appearance of that area.

(ii) Town Centre Designation (Sl) ( GS1, GS2)

The site lies within a 'town centre designation', typical town centre uses such as retail, business/employment and car parking are appropriate.

(iii) Housing (GHI, H12)

The council will seek to ensure.. that these (Districts housing requirement) offer a wide range of housing types as required by the district; including low cost housing for local needs, and special housing accommodation for disadvantage groups.

Although there are few opportunities, Hebden Bridge is a high priority area within the Borough in terms of housing need. It is the Council's normal policy to require a contribution to affordable housing under policies H12 of the UDP. For this requirement to be waived, the developer would be required to demonstrate the abnormal development costs involved with the redevelopment of the site. It is suggested that if residential is considered within the development there needs to be collaboration with the local Registered Social Landlord to ensure the inclusion of affordable mixed residential units.

IV) Residential Amenity (N6) (BE1,BE2)

Protecting the residential amenity of adjacent residential properties is a major design consideration The development needs to take into account the impact on the apartments that have windows overlooking the site at close quarters. It is the Councils normal standard to allow building no closer than 12 meters from main aspect windows to a blank gable, although in this instance a tall blank gable would not be acceptable, requiring an imaginative design solution.


7.1 The site requires a high quality design. There is the opportunity to create a dramatic, contemporary development whilst retaining the traditional flavours of the town. The following issues however will need to be addressed.

Access to Existing Premises

It would be the responsibility of the developer to identify the access needs and requirements to the rear of the properties fronting Albert Road and to take them into account in the detailed design.

Public Utility Services

Details of utilities running through the site have been requested and a copy of the responses is available on request. However, it will be the responsibility of the developer to verify the exact position of the services and to establish the capacity available for supplying the, proposed development.

Building Control

The venting of the Gar park will require to comply with 'Approved Document B3 section 12' of the Building Regulations 2000 enacted under the provisions of the Building Act 1984.

Car Parking

The proposal is to maximise the amount of public car parking on the site, to be funded from the private sector development. There are 42 spaces at present and developers will be asked to present options for increasing this figure up to 180. Proposals to specifically allocate parking places to certain elements of associated development would have to be carefully considered in the light of the findings of the Hebden Bridge Traffic Review and government and local planning guidance.

Conservation Area

(i) Scale of development - The development must take full account of the character of Hebden Bridge town centre, which tends to have been developed with small and medium sized buildings. The overall height, form and scale of the proposed development should not dominate either when viewed from within the town of from surrounding hillsides. The position of the site, adjacent a high retaining wall, with no property on the opposite side of Commercial Street, does provide the scope for an unusually high building. The appearance of any proposal from the adjacent hillside will be of crucial importance.

(ii) Style/design - could incorporate a modern design to reflect a building of its time but should not detract from the character of the Conservation Area.

(iii) Materials - should be dominated by natural coursed stone to fit in with the area. Other materials may be considered such as the use of glass. The roof material should fit in with the area i.e. natural blue slate or stone slate.

(iv) Design details - wood windows are recommended rather than plastic that requires thicker sections. Windows and doors should be recessed from the front face of the wall. Consideration should be given to construction of chimneys, use of quoins, stone window and door surrounds.

Sustainable Development - materials

Lighting - appropriately controlled (time and light sensitive) in order to save energy and reduce C02 emissions. Low energy and low grade. Materials - locally sourced stone and stone slate to be used where possible.

Secured by Design

The design should be of high quality with considerations given to the safety and security of visitors and vehicles. The entrances and exits should be in line with the criteria of Secured Car Parks, as should the car park itself ( Any proposed residential or commercial should incorporate the standards within Secured by Design


The safeguarding of the structural integrity and giving appropriate consideration to future maintenance of retaining structures for Commercial Street will be a fundamental aspect in any design proposals. Future maintenance liability to ensure the support of Commercial Street is retained will be the responsibility of the Developer and it will need to be made clear as to how this will be provided.

Disabled access - needs to be considered under the Disability Discrimination Act for buildings to the public to comply by 2004.

Pollution and noise - The Developer needs to take into account issues that may be raised during the construction of the development. The Developer needs to consider these and ensure the least disruption is caused.

Construction Period

It is considered that the construction of this possible development would cause some disruption on Garden Street, Commercial Street and possibly Albert Street. In their submission (stage 2) to the Council the Developer should give an indication as to the level and duration of such disruption, in particular what land they would require for the construction of the possible development.The developer will also need to submit details of how the development will be constructed so that traffic flows can be satisfactorily managed on A6033 Commercial Street during the construction phase.


8.1 All costs associated with the development would be the sole responsibility of the developer. There are no current sources of grant aid for the development.

8.2 It is for the developer to consider whether or not they wish to take responsibility of the management and maintenance of the car park. A condition would be attached to ensure that the pricing structure for the site is to be kept in line with the Council's parking policy.

8.3. All public car parking provided within the split -level car park and at surface level must be available for at least 8.00am to 6.00pm all week.




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