King Street, Hebden Bridge

King Street, Mytholm, approx 1912. If there was going to be a flood it started on King St. People just got used to it. The last house at the end was the tollbar house. In 1850 the toll collector was found murdered in his bed. Nobody was ever arrested. The houses have been demolished.

According to Jack Uttley of Mythomroyd, "Stubbing Wharf is just off the picture. This is where Mrs Hughes (Ted Hughes' Grandmother) had a shop. The Toll House is next door. The chap looking out of the window on this picture is Jerry Roach. The older chap in the middle was a driver for the fire brigade. The chap with the flat cap in the middle - used to like to go in processions and concerts. In 1925 he was in a procession as the king in "King and Queen Carnival"

Audrey Short has confirmed that fireman on the picture of the floods at King Street was called James Atherton. He also drove the local ambulance. She rode round with him - delivering poppies in a motor bike and side-car - when working for Calderdale.

We are very grateful to Molly and Max Sunderland for making this photo available, and to Frances Robinson for research and original scans.

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