From Julie Thorpe,
Tuesday, May 21, 2002

So the latest con trick from BT is to try to sell us satellite broadband - at four times the set up cost of their ADSL service. They are promoting the satellite service as the answer for everyone who is not currently in an ADSL-enabled area. Rather than investing in the upgrade of our exchange they are hoping to rip us off one more time selling us over-priced equipment and an over-priced service.

The home I work from happens to be Grade II*-listed and there is not a snowball's chance in hell of planning permission being granted to stick a satellite dish on the front of it. I suspect many other home-working Upper Calder Valley residents would face the same problem. On environmental/sustainability grounds I can see no valid arguement for putting more expensive junk into space when the service could be provided through the wiring we already have installed.

Mark's suggestion about a community-run wireless LAN sounds like it might be just what we need to liberate us from the clutches of BT for good.