Hebden Bridge Web

HEBWEB Guestbook

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Mmm, Darlington: so great they named it once. Anyway, you probably made the right decision to move, John. My Dictionary of British Place Names has just informed me that Hebden Bridge derives from the Old English heope (hip) and denu (valley). A hip valley, eh! Regards, Andrew
Andrew McCloy <McRamble@compuserve.com>
UK - Tuesday, June 29, 1999 at 20:54:59 (BST)

Gulp... I guess that would be Darlington, 'garden city of the North': that haven of tolerance and free-thinking...
John Morrison <john@trunorth.demon.co.uk>
UK - Saturday, June 26, 1999 at 09:53:59 (BST)
Dear Mr Morrison, I have a friend who lives in Darlington. He is very big. Be careful.
Andrew McCloy <McRamble@compuserve.com>
Youlgrave, Derbyshire UK - Friday, June 25, 1999 at 16:07:28 (BST)
I've been contacted by a bloke who's looking for cine or video footage of Hebden Bridge from the 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s. Please email me or phone (01422-845532) if you can help him. Thanks.
John Morrison <john@trunorth.demon.co.uk >
UK - Friday, June 25, 1999 at 09:55:48 (BST)
Hello, I am looking for holiday homes in Hebden Bridge or Heptonstall, out of season prefered. Please contact. Thanks Andrea
Andrea <10076433@mail.ehche.ac.uk>
Chorley, Lancs UK - Thursday, June 24, 1999 at 13:11:39 (BST)
HELLO, My family originates in England and I am a Hebdon. I was conducting a bit of research here on the web and found that there was a Hebdon (Hebden) Bridge. If you have any geneology information, or history in reference to the hebdon (hebden) family, I would love to here from you. I feel it is my right to know. I also have a need to know. Please send any info you may retain to the e-mail address provided.... Coulton101@aol.com Thank you, Dorothy Hebdon Coulton P.s. or you may call (1-941-369-1048)
Dorothy Hebdon Coulton <coulton101@aol.com>
lehigh acres, lee us - Sunday, June 20, 1999 at 02:51:36 (BST)
I would like details of local arts groups/collectives which I could get involved with. I'm x'art school' and haven't made art for some years - now's the time to start again! If anyone has contact details etc..then please forward these on!
SimonSmith <fionn_5@hotmail.com>
Mytholmroyd, West Yorks UK - Tuesday, June 15, 1999 at 23:03:21 (BST)
WWW Hebden Bridge is very interesting. It is a must to add to my favourite websites . I'm interested in hearing from HB residents for a television programme I'm researching. Please e-mail or telephone me Jeffrey Morris on (0181 576 7679).
Jeffrey Morris <jeffrey.morris@bbc.co.uk>
London, South-East England England - Friday, June 11, 1999 at 17:03:12 (BST)
From the Financial Times, June 10th: Mr Ashdown is now touted as a possible international high representative to Kosovo, but the origins of his expertise in Balkans affairs have unlikely origins. He was attending a local government conference in Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire, when the Serb bombs started landing on Sarajavo. Due to give an interview to GMTV from a Bradford studio the following morning, a producer asked whether he might give them a line on the conflict. "Paddy spent the evening in a pub in Hebden Bridge asking delegates whether they had ever been on holiday to Yugoslavia - we were trying to get a fix on were all the countries were," recalls one aide.
Andrew Bibby <andrew.bibby@mcr1.poptel.org.uk>
HB, UK - Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 09:35:16 (BST)
GREETINGS FROM BALI! Enjoyed your site - thanks Andy and Stella Wilson for giving me the address. We're in the middle of the elections here. Most people are hoping for major change. Probably it will come and hopefully without too much upheaval. Our tourist industry is thriving, and Bali is beautiful at this time of year - sunny and dry, but cool due to the easterly breeze. Still I miss the fish and chips and the walks through Hardcasle Craggs. Mark Wilson Bali, Indonesia. (formerly of The Java Restaurant Sowerby Bridge)
Mark Wilson <adrian@denpasar.wasantara.net.id>
Denpasar, Bali Indonesia - Tuesday, June 08, 1999 at 13:00:57 (BST)
I am a mature student and my partner Claire is a Drug and alchol worker. We very much like Hebden Bridge and would like to move there. We are presently living in Leeds, but need accomadation in Hebden Bridge or the surrounding area from July 1st 1999. We can pay no more than £300 per month and are looking for a one or two bedroomed flat/house.If anyone has or knows of any accomadation like this could they please contact me through this page or by ringing 0113-2242710. many thanks Mike
Michael Towl <pol7mpt@lucs-02.novell.ac.uk>
Leeds, west yorkshire UK - Friday, June 04, 1999 at 11:12:03 (BST)
This web site improves like a fine claret, with age and special care it just improves. I take US friends on-site to show them the photo gallery, arts fest etc. Webmaster and others involved take a big bow.Well done!This is a new e-address for me.The other address is my bro.
Stevan Mrvos <smrvos@webtv.net>
Florida USA - Wednesday, May 05, 1999 at 11:58:10 (BST)
Hi, my name is Beth, I live in South Australia. I was wondering if anyone has any e-mail addresses for any of my family members, My father moved from Todmorden in 1952 and came to live in Aust If there are any on-liners in the Eastwood family, Gilboy, Smith (stupid question!) I'd appreciate to be able to communicate with some family members across the globe! Send me an e-mail PLEEAAZE Thanx Beth Eastwood Granddaughter of Mary Josephine (Jo) Eastwood (nee Gilboy) and the late Harold Eastwood.
Beth Eastwood <bethlouise10@hotmail.com>
Enfield (Adelaide), South Australia Australia - Wednesday, May 05, 1999 at 03:31:18 (BST)
TO answer some questions - I used to live next door to Margeret and Richard and as far as I know they are still at the same address. Margeret is now Mayor of the town. Fires. Hebden Bridge was designated a no-smoke zone but open fires are still allowed as long as smokeless fuel is used. The nature of the land is such that smoke hangs within the valley and takes a long time to escape. Since the ruling, the air has been noticably cleaner, My father still reminds us often of that when 'Wakes' holiday appeared and the mills shut down for two weeks, these were the only weeks in which one could actually see into HB from the hills and that birds actually entered the valley. Arts Forum - check out the new studios on Market Street. Ask to speak to Karen. She will be able to help you with all kinds of information. Special needs children. We have various facilities that may help. Ring HB Health Centre, Hangingroyd Lane. They will be able to advise :) Hope some of this helps
Morgana <MOrganaWst@aol.com>
hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire UK - Monday, April 26, 1999 at 09:41:50 (BST)
Colin... I don’t know anything about facilities for special-needs children in Hebden Bridge, but commuting from here to Manchester is easy and quick. There’s a good music scene, with live music of one kind or another most nights of the week. And one more “experimental/strange band” is exactly what Hebden Bridge needs... The arts in general are very bouyant in HB; check out the arts festival web-pages to what’s happening this summer. The snow can be pretty heavy ‘on the tops’;, but down in town it hasn’t been a problem in the five years I’ve been here. It’s a great place; you’d love it...
John Morrison <john@trunorth.demon.co.uk >
UK - Sunday, April 25, 1999 at 20:56:09 (BST)
I wonder if anyone out there could supply me with some info. I'm thinking of moving to Hebden Bridge in the next couple of years with my wife and family, which includes two young girls with Down's Syndrome. At present, we live in Bury and I work as a computer engineer in the Manchester area. I also play in an experimental/strange band and have my own recording set-up. Can someone tell me the pros and cons of living in Hebden Bridge, such as the difficulty of commuting to Manchester; facilities for special-needs children; what's the local music/arts scene like; do you get snowed in in the winter; all that sort of thing. Thanks very much, Colin
Colin <bb454@mcmail.com>
Manchester, Lancs UK - Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 08:02:45 (BST)
Is there an arts forum in the area? If so, is there a central point of contact for this, such as a person or a place? I would like to be involved in the local arts scene. If you can provide me with useful information, then please communicate us: number6_is@hotmail.com
number6 <fionn_5@hotmail.com>
Mytholmroyd, Calderdale UK - Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 01:30:56 (BST)
I have to say that the View from a bridge has been excellent reading. This must be one of the best local web sites around. Does anybody know of any other similar Penine based sites, for other towns?
Phil <pjsharp@ybs.co.uk>
Clifton, Brighouse, UK - Friday, April 23, 1999 at 14:00:20 (BST)
Looking for a cottage to rent for a couple of weeks in June 2000. If anyone has a website for such could you please e-mail me.
Anne Maher <jaamah@webtv.net>
ex Burnley now Southport NC, NC USA - Friday, April 23, 1999 at 00:25:07 (BST)
I LOVE our H.B. website. I think it would be a great idea to have a notice-board for advertising 'wants' and things to sell. For instance,right now I want a new house-mate - so, please email me if you're interested! Thank you.
Mandi Johnson <Mandi@happyfishdesigns.freeserve.co.uk>
Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire UK - Wednesday, April 21, 1999 at 00:40:30 (BST)
We stayed in Mythlomroyd Easter 1998 for a few couple of days. We loved this part of England and want to come back very soon. Thanks to the Bond family in Mythromroyd for their hospitality. Lots of love Berit and Øivind
Berit Boger, Kristiansand, Norway <beritboger@rasmussen.no>
Kristiansand, Norway - Monday, April 12, 1999 at 11:35:44 (BST)
After 98 episodes (a nice, round number, I feel) I’m bringing the View From the Bridge episodes to a merciful halt. The third - and last - book in the Milltown series is entitled A Bridge Too Far, and will be available soon(ish). Little did I realise, when I posted the first episode 18 months ago, that I’d spawned a monster. However, something new will be taking its place... So watch this space.
John Morrison <john@trunorth.demon.co.uk >
Hebden Bridge, UK - Sunday, April 11, 1999 at 20:12:30 (BST)
As a former resident, (see below) I would be interested to know if anyone could tell me how the transition from dying town dependent on the clothing industry to happening new age/tourist attraction happened? It seemed to take place within quite a short timespan and I get the impression it's now quite a prosperous place. Are there still any sewing shops? Is there still a shop at 1 Crown Street? I used to live over it as a child when it was Crossleys Bakery.
Sandra Bonn <Sandra.Bonn@btinternet.com>
Bucks UK - Saturday, April 10, 1999 at 13:37:19 (BST)
Is it true that you're not supposed to make fires below a certain point in the valley? Can you have a wood burner going in your house? How rigorously are the regulations enforced/observed?
Mike <michael@lec.leeds.ac.uk>
leeds, yorks UK - Thursday, April 08, 1999 at 15:05:40 (BST)
I am making an effort to find out more about the live outdoor music event & how to get involved. I manage a band called BLACKOUT, who are a young unsigned band. They would like to play some rock at Hebdon Bridge. I f you can help this happen, pleas don't hesitate to contact me. Cheers!!
Paul J. Brooks <pjb@22man.freeserve.co.uk>
Stockport, Cheshire UK - Thursday, April 08, 1999 at 00:55:48 (BST)
Hello Molly, What a lovely surprise to receive your mail. Unfortunately your email address was not printed. Please contact again with this included. Margaret.
Margaret Whitaker <whitaker@cygnus.uwa.edu.au>
Perth, Western Australia UK - Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 04:30:31 (BST)
Hello everybody, this is a really impressive website! I'm a geology postgraduate student at the University of Liverpool studying the Millstone Grit rocks of the Pennines. I'm working in the area from May to July this year, and I'm looking of accomodation for that period, either a flat to rent, or lodgings. Please contact me if you have any suggestions, any offers will be considered! I'm outgoing and more than intersted in sharing my work on the rocks of the area with you!
Matt Brettle <M.J.Brettle@liv.ac.uk>
Liverpool, Merseyside UK - Sunday, March 28, 1999 at 18:11:59 (BST)
Attn.Peter Wade re Richard & Margaret Blakeley. I knew Margaret nee McDermot, at Calder High School. both my husband, Darrel Whitaker & I attended C.H.S.in the fifties. When we were in Hebden Bridge last year Margaret had been very recently elected as the local mayor. i never knew Richard but I do believe they live in H.B. Margaret Whitaker 28.3.99 Perth W.Australia. whitaker@cygnus.uwa.edu.au
Margaret Whitaker nee Speight <whitaker@cygnus.uwa.edu.au>
Perth, W.A. Australia - Sunday, March 28, 1999 at 06:28:00 (BST)
I live in Hebden butI am at university down here in Leicester studying geology.I was just "surfing the net"when I found this page.It feels strange to read all the local gossip but the page is appreciated all the same!!!
Alex Benson <ab85@le.ac.uk>
Leicester|Hebden., UK - Wednesday, March 24, 1999 at 15:01:35 (GMT)
hi again, thanks alistair, hey no problem, by the way i'm still looking for a 3/4 bed house to rent in HB and looking for good people to expand my business, can anyone help ? e-mail or message me on voicemail 01526 652018
michel <mish1402@mindless.com>
UK - Sunday, March 21, 1999 at 23:16:21 (GMT)
Was brought up near the area, loved it back in 1986 & 1994 when on a home visits. Does anyone know the whereabouts of Richard Blakeley, married to Margaret in 1968. He used to work at August's Ltd in Halifax?
Peter Wade <datbal@ozemail.com.au>
Melbourne, Victoria Australia - Sunday, March 14, 1999 at 02:17:26 (GMT)
Just a quick hello to anyone that remembers either me or my other half, Brendan. Would love to hear from anyone who wants to get in touch!
Rachel Needham (nee Welsh) <RachelNeedham@Hotmail.com>
Lytham St Annes , Blackpool UK - Tuesday, March 09, 1999 at 18:30:26 (GMT)
I came across this site by accident and was delighted to do so as I was (practically) born in Hebden Bridge (arriving at a few months old) and lived there until 1967. When I visited the place about 10 years I was amazed at the transformation from a town full of sewing shops to a tourist hub. I walked around with a permanently dropped jaw. In case anyone remembers me - I used to live up Eaves Avenue and went to Calder High. My maiden name was Sandra Peel and I have two brothers, Rodney and Terence. Would love to hear from anyone.
Sandra Bonn <Sandra.Bonn@btinternet.com>
Milton Keynes, UK - Saturday, March 06, 1999 at 17:41:36 (GMT)
Regarding dock pudding - Anyone wanting to have a go at making dock pudding should be aware that the docks used are NOT the same as the ones used to rub on nettle stings. I am sure some horticulturally minded person can put us right on the variety. Back in my Hebden Bridge days my Mum made some but she couldn't persuade me to try it, so I don't know whether making it is really worth the bother!
Zoe Smith <zsmith@humber.ac.uk>
UK - Friday, March 05, 1999 at 12:15:55 (GMT)
I've just read Peter Wright's mail, and was particularly struck by the comment about the "art scene" in Hebden. How many other towns can you think of, Mr Wright, which offer local people an excellent (and very cheap)cinema, a live music venue which caters for virtually any taste, a local theatre, as well as a variety of galleries displaying work by local artists. Hardly a preponderance of wicker baskets. Perhaps it's your view of Hebden that is stuck in the 70's, rather than the town itself.
Ali Fletcher <a.fletcher@blackburn.ac.uk>
Mytholmroyd, West Yorkshire UK - Friday, March 05, 1999 at 10:17:43 (GMT)
Hi john morisson, i sent you anothe message on here but they deleated it, and i don't know why!!! See ya Anonymous
Anonymous <not@homr>
dfd, dfdf UK - Friday, March 05, 1999 at 00:18:59 (GMT)
I spent many happy days in Mrs. Smith's B+B in HB. I wonder if she is still in business, if she still has that large tabby cat, and if all is well with her and her husband? I just found this page on the Web and am delighted to be able to revisit my favorite spot in the UK from my home in the US! Thank you.
Barb West <bwest@uop.edu>
Stockton, California USA - Thursday, March 04, 1999 at 01:35:12 (GMT)
Hi Ann... I found this dock pudding recipe in the Tourist Information Centre... 2 lbs young dock leaves, 1/2 lb nettle tops and 2 chopped onions. Boil everything in salted water. Add one cup of oatmeal, and cook for 20 minutes. Strain off liquid, stir in a knob of butter. Shape into puddings and fry in bacon fat. I can’t say I’ve ever cooked - or eaten - dock pudding. The only instructions I would add are... ‘throw puddings away, and eat out’...
John Morrison <john@trunorth.demon.co.uk >
UK - Wednesday, March 03, 1999 at 17:11:29 (GMT)
Alright Lonely! Gotchamessij - know who you are! Coincidentally we´re both here together in Spain. Mol´s been visiting for my birthday and we´ve just come across your message. Weird eh? Get our addresses from the list. Love Ali & Molly
AliMo <alig8ta@yahoo.com \ moliquool@yahoo.com>
Not H.B , Elsewhere - Wednesday, March 03, 1999 at 14:59:01 (GMT)
Hello folks - In May I shall be visiting Hebden Bridge and the wilds of West Yorkshire and was delighted to find your web site and such a great lot of information. But please put me out of my misery. As a keen cook I immediately spotted the World Dock Pudding Championship on May 16. I'd like to have a go... But what's the recipe and ingredients?? However, as a mere Home Counties ignoramus it may not be a traditional style pudding anyway. BUT if it is, and I succeed in making one, it will be another talent I can add to a miserably small CV. Talk to me someone please... Ann Berry, Saudi Arabia
Ann R. Berry <berryar@hotmail.com>
Dhahran, Eastern Province Saudi Arabia - Wednesday, March 03, 1999 at 04:03:04 (GMT)
Oh how I miss the time I spent in your wonderful town this last summer. Watching world cup matches and drinking pints of bitter at the Albert. The sheep that lived with us on old Burlees farm. The people of Hebden Bridge are truly great people! Thanks for the memories.
Ben Monfils <ben1625@aol.com>
Portland Oregon, Oregon USA - Tuesday, March 02, 1999 at 10:18:06 (GMT)
No, Mr or Ms Anonymous, you don’t quite understand: I’ll take criticism from all quarters. If my books WEREN’T raising a few hackles... THEN I’d be worried. I wrote in the intro to ‘Back to the Bridge’: “If you put your head over the parapet and take pot shots, you expect to get a few bullets in return. You just like to know who’s firing them”. Anonymous messages are kinda sneaky, like those notes that kids pass around in school. Your comments are welcome... just put your name to them.
John Morrison <john@trunorth.demon.co.uk >
UK - Tuesday, March 02, 1999 at 09:03:16 (GMT)
Coming back to the UK for a visit in March. Will be visiting with relatives in Cornholme for 2 days. We like the outdooors. What does anyone recommend to see to get the "flavour" of Cornholme?
John Sutton <WIGANER45@aol.com>
Jacksonville, Florida USA - Tuesday, March 02, 1999 at 00:14:54 (GMT)
Hello Jhon Morrison. Well well Well, It looks like you cant take what you write about other people when it is written about you! Oh well, I won't hold this against you. I mean you books are funny and i like them. I just wantet to know how you would react, he he. I just thought I would tell you that don't make too many sequals to 'veiw from the bidge' I mean EVERY one know that sequals are allways worse than it's prequal and it's sequal will allways be worse. There are a few exceptions like everything in life, but i'm sorry to say that 'veiw from the bridge' is not one of those. See ya A.N.O.N.Y.M.O.U.S.E.
Anonymous <groovydoody@hotmail.com>
HB, W Yorks UK - Monday, March 01, 1999 at 21:47:23 (GMT)
My first visit to your web site, and I find it very comprehensive. I enjoyed the photo gallery and tourist information. Looking forward to visiting Hebden Bridge next year.
Mary Bairstow <marybairstow@hotmail>
Western Australia - Monday, March 01, 1999 at 12:52:43 (GMT)
Perhaps this is a chapter YOU should write, Mr or Ms Anonymous. But try to make it a tad funnier than your message and, oh yes, remember to put your name at the bottom.
John Morrison <john@trunorth.demon.co.uk >
UK - Monday, March 01, 1999 at 09:38:47 (GMT)
In reply to John morrison's email about ideas for a new book. I recomend a chapter called 'The Writer'. It is about a little puny guy who can't defend him self and cant get anywheer in the world or stand up for his self, No one likes him. So he gets back at People by writing about them in a book but gives them new names. There are a few of these types about in Hebden. What do you think????? Signed A.N.O.N.Y.M.O.U.S.E.
ANONYMOUS <groovydoody@hotmail.com>
HB, W yorks UK - Monday, March 01, 1999 at 03:37:54 (GMT)
Hi folks, i'm a Hebden Bridgeite by birth (Hardcastle Craggs to be exact - why did i ever leave ?) but have been away for 15 years now ... BUT plan to come back to live there again this summer i wonder if anyone can help me with a couple of things, 1) i'm looking to expand my business in the calder valley and looking for good people...and 2) want to rent a 3 or 4 bed house please E-mail me if you can help. mish1402@mindless.com
Michel - formerly of hebden (but coming back) <mish1402@mindless.com>
UK - Monday, March 01, 1999 at 00:01:13 (GMT)
About ten years ago, we stayed in Heptonstall with Miles and Jo, friends of my wife. We haven't been in touch with them for years and years. I wonder if they still live in Heptonstall? Dan Smith
Dan Smith <dan@mira.net>
Hawthorn, Victoria Australia - Sunday, February 28, 1999 at 11:34:10 (GMT)
If you are looking for strange people with interesting personal problems then the first one that always springs to my mind is the elderly Transvestite who lived in HB about twelve years ago.He used to go in the local working mens club and I can still see him now dressed in a ratty fur coat and black high heels and way too much makeup.Perhaps this is a little tame for HB now, but back then it was a tad strange but something to tell your mates about on monday morning.
GLENN MARSDEN <gmarsden@kingston.net>
GANANOQUE, ONTARIO CANADA - Friday, February 26, 1999 at 21:13:57 (GMT)
Hi, Lonely: yes, please, send me "a few tips". I've oinly lived here four years, and I'm running out of ideas for book number three...
John Morrison <john@trunorth.demon.co.uk >
UK - Friday, February 26, 1999 at 08:36:02 (GMT)
Help! Ex-Hebden lad (before Hebden: Essex Boy (unfortunately..) Lost and alone in southern Germany: can anyone give me a little support? John, I've read your book: not bad...how long have you actually lived in Hebden? Please do not misunderstand me, however, I could give you a few tips.. Ali! Good to see you doing so well in Spain, say hallo to 'Mo' for me; I think that she is still teaching in France... Mr Packam, are you still playing these days? I have always admired your 'licks'... Mr Ludlum, please say Hi to Jenny for me. By the way: it really is a good page, well done, all of you!
Rheinfelden, Baden Wurttenburg Germany - Thursday, February 25, 1999 at 23:21:22 (GMT)
That, Peter, is because I know just how much time and effort Chris puts into the web-site. It really is a labour of love, and I know it brings great pleasure to the increasing number of people who visit the site (lke the posting below...).
John Morrison
UK - Friday, February 19, 1999 at 15:27:45 (GMT)
I drop by off and on to read your web page; each time I feel like I am actually there. It is really a super presentation. May I ask about the spider and web significance? Thank you Joanne Palmer
Joanne Palmer <jjpal@erols.com>
Arlington, VA USA - Friday, February 19, 1999 at 15:21:26 (GMT)
John Morrison's "View from the Bridge" is the most accurate(and entertaining)picture of Hebden Bridge found in these pages - I certainly haven't said anything he hasn't already written. Yet it's the man himself who objects most strongly to my comments.
Peter Wright
Nottingham, UK - Friday, February 19, 1999 at 14:16:15 (GMT)
So Peter Wright doesn’t reckon much to Hebden Bridge. Fair enough: his opinions are as valid as anyone else’s, and he has every right to express them. “Rose-tinted bubble”?? Well, the web-site does contain upward of 70,000 words (see View From the Bridge) that either slag off the town and its characters or, as I prefer to think, paint a mostly affectionate portrait. There’s plenty of stuff here too about the more ‘negative’ side: unsolved murders, traffic problems, inappropriate planning decisions, etc. The art scene is vibrant, no doubt about it, though I can’t vouch for the basket-making. I can only suggest, cordially, that if Mr Wright doesn’t much care for the Hebden Bridge web-site, then he should just fuck off to some cess-pit in cyberspace where his sour observations will seem more at home.
John Morrison
Hebden Bridge, UK - Friday, February 19, 1999 at 13:31:19 (GMT)
Is it really possible to pin down a description of anywhere? Surely it´s all interpretation, experience and attitude?
Ali-Marie McAllister <ammcallister@hotmail.com>
Galicia Spain - Friday, February 19, 1999 at 12:59:25 (GMT)
The comments of Peter Wright have to be excepted, but they are very much negative. Sure HB has problems, no village, town, or city doesn't, but that's not to say it's not a nice place. The idea of these pages is to focus on the positive side to HB and promote the Artistic, etc side of the town. What's wrong with tourist shops? A large number of the comments on these pages are from visitors to the town, so why not have shops for them? After spending many years living in inner city Manchester it's easy to see that HB doesn't have a major problem. HB is a warm, welcoming and friendly place, its not perfect, but where is. HB is very much a 90s place, its got a web site!
A Resident
UK - Thursday, February 18, 1999 at 12:24:46 (GMT)
A caustic summary from Mr Wright. With a very broad context of places that have been home, I'd suggest this is a rather jaundiced view. What is certainly true is that we can earn all sorts of parody. However, there are a great many people who live here in a context of some liberality who could not expect the warmth and acceptance from many so-called more urbane communities. Yes there are a lot of baskets and a plethora of "what-is-it" shops...not too different from many tourist oriented towns throughout the UK in the late 90s.
Peter Rowlands <p.rowlands@zen.co.uk>
Hebden Bridge, UK - Wednesday, February 17, 1999 at 20:35:07 (GMT)
Sorry to bring a touch of reality to these pages but, as may have been expected, the pretty picture painted here would be largely unrecognisable to many of the people who live in the town. In short, the supposed 'art' scene doesn't stray far beyond basket weaving, the shops cater almost exclusively to tourists(so long as they like wicker baskets), and the problem with violence in the town centre and a burglary rate far too high for such a small community are never touched upon in these pages. Sorry to be the one to point the pin at the rose tinted bubble hovering over the Calder Valley but I would hate to think that readers of the HB web may picture some idyllic country town, only to arrive and discover the truth. Hebden Bridge only differs from other small towns because it is still stuck in a timewarp somewhere between the late 60's and mid 70's. Some people may like the sound of that - many wouldn't. How do I know all of this? I used to live there. The surrounding countryside is beautiful though.
Peter Wright <peter.wright@ntu.ac.uk>
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire UK - Wednesday, February 17, 1999 at 20:28:02 (GMT)
Calderdale, and in particular, HB is a place I visit very regularly, but mostly to walk in the hills and valleys around the district. I love it! I try other beutifull places all around the British country side but non compare as far as I am concerned. Last year I bought a digital camera and now have so many views of Calderdale I am thinking of dedicating a web site to them! If, or rather when I do, I shall contact this site with details. Meanwhile, I shall continue to walk and revel in your superb part of the country.
Barry Smith <baz@smudge.free-online.co.uk>
Prestwich, Manchester, UK - Tuesday, February 09, 1999 at 20:00:27 (GMT)
I had begun to believe my husband didn't have a family.....anywhere..... His father is Roy Arthur Hebdon, born in Alba, N. Y. around 1913. He was killed in an auto accident several years ago. It seems that a large number of his brothers and sister spelled the last name Hebden (found on tools); and some others, most spelled it Hebdon My father-in-law had something like 16 brothers and sisters. Each of them had large families...However those in our age group kept it down for the most part to 4 to 6....and the families of today's childbearing group are keeping their families within reason... My husband's sister is Mary Koons; Milford, Ed, Judy Bartz; a brother who died in the 1960s ....accidental electrocution. If you care to have a look at our son and his wife, they have a website: http://home.tampabay.rr.com/alairma/ Irma is from Holland. Would love to hear from any of you who would like to write e-mail. Janet Hebdon
Leonard Bruce Hebdon <jnet@gte.net>
St. Petersburg, Florida 33777, Pinellas County USA - Saturday, February 06, 1999 at 20:39:38 (GMT)
I have been away too long but I will be back, I promise! Especially to the Innovation. Hello to everybody who still remembers me (as Danny Starck). If anyone knows the Moorheads in Mytholmroyd, please, give them my love.
Daniela Charest <mcharest@callnet.com>
Manchester, Connecticut USA - Saturday, February 06, 1999 at 02:47:12 (GMT)
Greeting to Martin and Andrea Overend and family from your family in Canada. Best wishes to you all.
Mrs Mary Clark ( Aunty "M" ) <clarkje@execulink.com>
London, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada - Thursday, February 04, 1999 at 00:23:20 (GMT)
No... you'll be fine in Fairfield. Who needs hub-caps anyway? We don't, in truth, have much of a crime problem here...
Maurice Johnson
UK - Wednesday, February 03, 1999 at 15:28:07 (GMT)
Mmm. That may be true. But is there really much of a crime risk it that part of town?
Nigel Yorke
UK - Wednesday, February 03, 1999 at 13:33:41 (GMT)
Nigel, you'll find Fairfield a very convenient location: near to town, the shops and the railway station. Best of all, if you WERE unlucky enough to get burgled you wouldn't have too far to go to get your stuff back.
Maurice Johnson
HB, UK - Tuesday, February 02, 1999 at 17:17:48 (GMT)
My wife and I are planning to move to HB and have found a house we like. But we need some insiders knowledge on the area. It is a large old house that backs directly on to the Fairfileds estate. We have been told that this estate has a number of HB's less neighborly residents and is perhaps not the best of places to be near. We would really appreciate some honest advice on this area. As we at present live in Manchester we are used to a higher level of crime but do not really want to have to live with it in HB. Thanks for any advice. Nigel Yorke
Nigel Yorke <nye@oldham-sfc.ac.uk>
UK - Monday, February 01, 1999 at 13:26:20 (GMT)
But Tone, you CAN smell it: due to an innovative scratch 'n' sniff facility, you can get an authentic whiff of Hebden Bridge merely by rubbing your fingernail across any of the pictures. Try it. Mmmm, the tempting aroma of fish & chips, the beguiling scents of incense & patchouli oil. I wonder what Nelson would smell of...
John Morrison
UK - Sunday, January 31, 1999 at 12:25:18 (GMT)
This is a marvellous website: so live & vibrant you can almost smell it ( :) ). I just wish that all the other milltowns in E. Lancs ( also W. Yorks of course! I know how sensitive you still are about losing the war ) could take a leaf out of your book & produce a site which really zings like yours. Good luck to you all. Kind Regards, Tone
Tony Halstead <tonyhals@globalnet.co.uk>
Nelson, Lancs UK - Saturday, January 30, 1999 at 23:00:32 (GMT)
Hi, Most of my immediate and extended family were brought up in and around Hebden Bridge, including my brothers Paul and James, my sister Elaine as well as both parents John and Joan (maiden/Boylan). If anyone would like to get in touch, feel free to e-mail me and i`ll pass any messages on. Also - hi to Laura and Gillian who have cropped up on this page recently.
Jonathan West <jon@jonwest.demon.co.uk>
Halifax, West Yorkshire UK - Tuesday, January 26, 1999 at 20:23:35 (GMT)
I've just spent the best week of my life in a cottage atop the Pennines. I spent it with a man named Ian Kerr, who lives in Holeywell Green near Halifax. At one time, he lived in Hebden Bridge, and still visits there occasionally. For some reason, his telephone number has been changed since my return to the States, and he has quit his job - hence, I've no way of contacting him. If anyone knows Ian or knows how I can reach him by phone, please contact me via e-mail with a telephone number. I am desperately trying to find him. Thank you.
Liz <liz_musselman@hotmail.com>
Allentown, Pennsylvania USA - Tuesday, January 26, 1999 at 19:28:56 (GMT)
Carole, Just at this moment reset my controls. Please try one more time. If you can't do it I will come personally to pick up the pictures as I may visit Ireland and England in April. Most of my recent travel has been is US, DisneyWorld, Phoenix and Nashville to see the Grand Old Oprey. I still remeber mom and Mrs Shaw going to Elvis movies. He was great. Do you remember the girl at the cinema selling cigarettes and sweets while the movie played? Not anymore! I remeber going to a party in a place that looked like a lighted cinema in town with dad. They served tea, and at the end of the night the person with the cup which had a broken handle won a prize. Oh well, soon I can write a book. Salutations, Rich.
Richard Shortall
Q.V., N.Y. USA - Tuesday, January 26, 1999 at 05:00:37 (GMT)
Many memories of a visit home in 1997.All positive.
D.A.Hebden <mrheath@tiac.net>
Boston, Ma, USA - Tuesday, January 26, 1999 at 04:09:01 (GMT)
Richard - thanks for the e-mail but you're still "not accepting mail from this sender" and you have "permanent fatal errors" even though I'm replying to sender! Painful! Sorry! Carole
Carole Adams
UK - Monday, January 25, 1999 at 21:37:49 (GMT)
Hi Richard sorry about the EMUs! Still can't e-mail you - "user unkown"! Have you fallen out with some telecommunications company somewhere?
Carole Adams <k.w.a@btinternet.com>
UK - Wednesday, January 20, 1999 at 17:14:32 (GMT)
Carole Adams, Sorry Carole, The job is crazy currently. I work on Wall Street in a dividend department managing fixed income. We just switched to EMU among other things and the volume is beyond what I can handle currently. Can you give me your Email again. Just figured out that I have a block on the P/C for the children, I must add your Email to my Buddy list to receive your mail. Thanks for the Wakeup call. Rich
Richard Shortall
Qns. Village, NY USA - Wednesday, January 20, 1999 at 04:19:05 (GMT)
Richard Shortall - you've gone quiet! Can't e-mail you! Still enjoying reading the Guestbook though!
Carole Adams
UK - Sunday, January 17, 1999 at 20:37:43 (GMT)
i visited your site a few months ago and have now returned to see it again. i love this site as it is a fond memory panel to me keep going always
John povey <johnsonbrook@hotmail.com>
cronulla, Sydney Australia - Wednesday, January 13, 1999 at 22:45:58 (GMT)
It’s all nice; you’ll be surrounded by excitable, eccentric, creative people wherever you decide to live. Even our local cat-burglar writes a regular column for ‘Practical Housebreaking’ magazine...
John Morrison
UK - Monday, January 11, 1999 at 23:42:22 (GMT)
Hi. My wife and I are looking at buying a house in Hebden Bridge and I wondered if any one there could offer us any advice on which parts of the town a nice,etc. Thanks
Nigel Yorke <NYE@oldham-sfc.ac.uk>
UK - Monday, January 11, 1999 at 11:26:34 (GMT)
A brilliant site! John Morrisonis is great. I look foward to his weekly installments. Having been to Hebdon Bridge several years ago I can relate to his writing. A big hello to my cousin Mel and her husband Phil in Bond Street and Aunt Peggy on Sackville Street. Hebdon Bridge is a beatuiful town and a wonderful place to visit.
John P. Bradford <Jbradford@citcom.net>
Brevard, North Carolina US - Saturday, January 09, 1999 at 13:13:39 (GMT)
TAN KIAN CHONG <Tankc8@england.com>
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia / SELANGOR MAlaysia - Friday, January 08, 1999 at 03:19:42 (GMT)
TAN KIAN CHONG <Tankc8@england.com>
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia / SELANGOR MAlaysia - Friday, January 08, 1999 at 03:19:01 (GMT)
Spent nearly 2 weeks in the lovely foothills area. Housed in Barkisland, volunteer foreign missions at Pellon Baptist in Halifax. Host family took me to Hebdon Bridge, did the Haworth thing,etc... loved it, miss it dearly. Anyone w/ email contacts to Pellon Baptist members, please let me know...
Patricia Gafford <patricia.gafford@cna.com>
Dallas, Texas USA - Thursday, January 07, 1999 at 21:48:24 (GMT)
just spent christmas and new year in hebden bridge great fish & chips happy new year to everybody
barry smith <bazz@ids.net>
coventry, r.i 02816 u.s.a - Tuesday, January 05, 1999 at 00:59:45 (GMT)
Tess&John. Brilliant. Am now going to direct your M & D there. An interesting exercise don't you think. And a Happy New Year to you there.
Fay&Geoff <113241.403@compuserve.com>
UK - Sunday, January 03, 1999 at 11:35:09 (GMT)
Found it Fay!! New Years was great. Lovely to hear every one having such a great time. You are obviously the hostess with the mostess, (and now everyone else knows). Glad we got the timing of the call to perfection. We had to scrupiously watch the BBC world service for the chimes, as every clock in our place is different. All the best for an irie 99 mon!
Tess & John <john@candw.ky>
George Town, Cayman Islands - Saturday, January 02, 1999 at 23:56:38 (GMT)
GLENN MARSDEN <gmarsden@kingston.net>
GANANOQUE, LEEDS AND LANSDOWNE CANADA - Saturday, January 02, 1999 at 20:13:42 (GMT)
Greetings from Australia. Happy New Year to everyone at Hebden Bridge. Jess Rushworth
J C Rushworth <jcr@shoal.net.au>
Orient Point, Australia UK - Saturday, January 02, 1999 at 10:41:43 (GMT)

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TheHebden Bridge Web is published by Pennine Pens, webmaster@hebdenbridge.co.uk