The Hebweb Directory is a list of pages and sites which will be of interest to those living in Hebden Bridge and the surrounding area.
ADD or amend your entry
See webdirectory by subject |
The Hebden Bridge Web Directory is a list of web addresses of people and organisations who live, work or have some other connection with this area. Links will be added at our discretion. We wish the directories to be useful, efficient and effective and will not include sites which offend or are inappropriate to the Hebden Bridge Web. The revenue received from directory entries is used to maintain and improve the Hebden Bridge Web.
When you submit the form below you will have the opportunity to pay online or, if you prefer, to be sent an invoice. You can pay using Worldpay or Paypal.
Listing Fees
- Basic entry: £20 per year.
- Listing, describing your site,
the service you offer or the products you supply: £25 per year
- Enhanced Listing: £35 per year
- Enhanced Listing with logo: £50 per year
Basic Entry: £20
Listing: £25
Enhanced Listing: £35
PENNINE PENS - web development and publishing
The Hebden Bridge Web is maintained by Pennine Pens. Find out more about us at our website, including our web portfolio of dozens of sites and details of our latest publications.
info@penninepens.co.uk |
Adding logo to enhanced listing - we can take this from your website and resize