Bad Men: Guantánamo Bay
and the Secret Prisons
a talk by Clive Stafford Smith
Picture House, New Road, Hebden Bridge
8.00pm to 9.30pm approx
£10 (£8)
Clive Stafford Smith is the Legal Director of Reprieve. He spent twenty years fighting for the lives of people facing the death penalty in the southern United States, and now represents 36 of the prisoners held out of reach of the law in the US prison in Guantánamo Bay. Clive was one of the first lawyers to visit Guantánamo and has now written a book about his clients and his experiences, Bad Men – Guantánamo Bay and the Secret Prisons. Hear at first hand what is really happening out there.
In association with Reprieve.
Le Hot Club de Hebden
Hebden Bridge's very own Jazz fortnight!
Hebdens Restaurant, Hangingroyd
From 9.00pm
Late bar, free snacks and the best jazz for miles.
Featuring this evening:
Richard Hammond (bass); Rod
Dave Walsh (drums); Richard Wetherall
keyboards). A quartet featuring four of the North's
performers, Elements provides a rich
array of music covering all spectrums
contemporary jazz vocabulary.