Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Hebden Bridge Camera Club Winners
Hebden Bridge Camera Club’s annual exhibition was an extremely successful week as in previous years. Over 1200 visitors from near and far viewed the 66 prints on display at the Town Hall and almost 900 of those took part in the vote for the ‘People’s Choice’.
Visitors were asked to vote for their favourite three images in order of merit and every picture on display received some votes. There was no set theme and many people commented on how difficult it was to choose with so many good and varied pictures, which included local views, scenes from around the world, buildings, still-life, people, animals and birds. After all the votes were counted, the results were as follows:
1st: Graham Speak’s evocative railway station image, ‘Winter Steam’
2nd: Sue York’s visceral image of gannets fighting over fish, ‘Heads or Tails?’
3rd: Bill Pilkington’s powerful image of man and beast ‘Appleby Fair’
The winning images will be featured on the club’s website. The club's 2020 calendar of Hebden Bridge images is now on sale in local shops and copies can also be purchased by contacting the club through the website.
The club would like to thank all who attended for helping make the exhibition so successful and remind anyone who is interested in joining and wants to visit, that the club meets on Wednesday evenings at 7.45pm at The Masonic Hall, Hangingroyd Lane, Hebden Bridge.
Each year the club produces their own Hebden Bridge Calendar and the 2020 version will be available to purchase during the exhibition. For more information, please visit the website at
Previously, on the HebWeb
Hebden Bridge Camera Club 2019 Exhibition
2018 Hebden Bridge Camera Club Exhibition Results
Hebden Bridge Camera Club winners - 2017
HebWeb News: Hebden Bridge Camera Club winners 2016
HebWeb News: Hebden Bridge Camera Club winners 2015