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Hebden on Google Street View!

From N Yorke

Friday, 12 March 2010

A great invasion of privacy or an excellent way to show off out town?

Hebden Bridge on Google Street View

Anyone spotted anything funny, compromising, unusual in any of the views?

From Emma S

Saturday, 13 March 2010

I’ve just followed it all the way up to Old Town and right past my house....must say my garden is looking rather lovely, pleased to say they took the pictures shortly after I had cut the grass, heh heh.

Judging by the flowers and trees it must have been shot around May time last year.

They have been rather naughty though; I just followed it down a private road to my friend’s house… although it stops at the bottom which is a dead end. I can imagine the vehicle having to reverse all the way back up again!

From Patsy and John F

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Not sure what we think about this - a voyeur’s delight, maybe? Thank heavens it’s not live!

Like Emma, we’re pleased about the timing. We must have just finished painting our fence after years of ignoring the rust.

We’ve had fun looking at places where we lived in Copenhagen when we were young and carefree - ah, those were the days!