HebWeb Features
Our feature pages are the more magazine type sections of HebWeb, and will be regularly updated as new information or links become available.
- COVID AND LOCKDOWN: FIVE YEARS ON: On the early evening of Monday, 23 March 2020, the first Lockdown was announced. The HebWeb reported upon it daily with facts and figures from reliable sources. The HebWeb has now created this Covid Feature with info, links to the news from five years ago, George Murphy's Lockdown Diary, photos, charts and video. Read the Covid Feature.
- HEBDEN BRIDGE HANDMADE PARADE - FROM 2008 - Hebden Bridge became vibrant and energised by the annual Handmade Parade, with thousands lining our sunny streets to watch all sorts of colourful and wonderful creations soar above their heads. See photos and info.
- THE MAKING OF A TOWN HALL - read how the development of this groundmaking project was reported on the HebWeb from 2007 until 2012 when it opened.
- ONE HOUR FROM HEBDEN BRIDGE - some of the fascinating places to visit, less than an hour's drive from Hebden Bridge; places many of us probably don't know.
- HEBDEN BRIDGE HIPPIES - how the hippies changed Hebden Bridge from the 1970s.
- THE BOXING DAY FLOODS 2015: video footage, photos, links and links to HebWeb new coverage.
- TOUR DE FRANCE Oooh la la. The day that the Tour de France came to Hebden Bridge.
- CHAINSAW TUESDAY: The Battle for the Mill Pond and its wet woodland - fighting in a small back street of Hebden Bridge
- BRIDGE MILL AT 700: A potted history of Bridge Mill and Hebden Bridge
- DON'T READ THIS - the sacking of teachers Leonora Rustamova (Miss Rusty) and Steve Cann from Calder High School in 2009
- BILLY HOLT - memories of this remarkable local character and writer by Frans van Schaik, Roy Stockdill and his son Vincent Holt - updated August, 2010
- GARDEN STREET - Hebden Bridge Web coverage of the controversial Garden Street proposed development over the past few years.
- ASBESTOS AND THE LEGACY OF ACRE MILL: Hundreds of people in the Hebden Bridge area have died from asbestos related cancers, mainly contracted from working at Acre Mill in the 50s and 60s - the UK's biggest industrial disaster.
- IAN COATES, Riding round the world on a Honda
- irregular reports from 2001 of Ian’s trip round the world. - JOHN MORRISON - milltown revisited and farewell to milltown
- PACE EGG PLAY - as performed each Easter,
history and photos, old and new - WILDLIFE in the Hebden Bridge region
- GIBSON MILL, Hardcastle Crags
Renovated with cafe and exhibition centre, using alternative technology.
Poems by Glyn Hughes, first published on the Hebden Bridge Web
- Lindsay Rimer: Ever since the Hebden Bridge Web started in 1995, there is one issue we have highlighted again and again: the murder of Lindsay. And we will continue to do so. Why has there been no arrest? Just what have the police done to find the murderer? Isn't it time for an independent team to review the police investigation?
- Thea's Diary: Thea's father and most of her family were murdered by the Nazis during Word War II, added Monday, February 24, 2003
- Rural pub closures - a losing battle
- Trying their luck in South Africa: Letters from the Boer War - Peter Thomas investigates the story behind the brass plaque at the entrance to the HB Town Hall, one that is dedicated to the young men of Hebden Bridge who died in South Africa. Wednesday, January 2, 2002
- Local writer, John Morrson's open letter to the editor of the Hebden Bridge Times about the pulling of A Sideways Look from the October Green Page, and the paper's continued use of Bernard Ingham as its columnist - Wednesday, October 31, 2001
- Chris Stephenson reflects on September in the US
Friday, October 26, 2001 - Hebden Bridge Times and the Press Gazette
Tuesday, October 16, 2001 - More Memories of 1940 evacuee, Stan Pierce, pieced together by Frances Robinson. (July 2001)
- Memory of 1940 - Stan Pierce's memories of being evacuated from London to Hebden Bridge. (October 1999)
- Treeresponsibility, July 2001
- Review by Elaine Connell of
Mark Piggott’s online book, Behind Blue Eyes - Wartime evacuees make contact
with Hebden Bridge family - updated, Tuesday, May 8, 2001 - Rural pub closures - a losing battle
- Threat to cinema
- the drama unfolded fast during 1999 - on HebWeb - View From The Bridge - John Morrison's successful online column