Great photos, but…
From Patricia S
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Thank you Hebweb for the really fabulous photos of the Handmade Parade and the 500 faces. I looked through the 500 faces and saw many that I know, a great project and well done… but am I the only person in Hebden Bridge who wonders why there are almost no Black or Asian faces here, even after nearly 40 years of incomers arriving? The portraits were lovely, but the overall image gave me a shudder…
From Ian M
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
May I ask why the pictures made you shudder? Are you suggesting that Hebden suffers from institutionalised racism or that the photographer deliberately only took pictures of white people?
Perhaps you are seeing an issue where one doesn’t exist!
From Rev Tony Buglass
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Nader Fekri. Usha, Shwan, and Niru. The Sefi family. Sakinah Haq. Satnam Singh. Just a few that I’ve spotted on a quick skim through.
Since Jason set out to give a taste, rather than a statistically-accurate sample, I’d say he’s given us a pretty good selection. And I’d resist any suggestion of implicit or explicit racism. Jason’s one of the good guys.
From Lisa Ansell
Saturday, 3 July 2010
The project is being criticised for not having enough ‘true locals’ and now for not being ethnically diverse enough… Lord save me (although may be too late for that).
I have rarely seen a commemoration project for a town that was so inclusive of the community, all parts of the community.
When I flick through the photos I see 500 people, many of whom I never knew the names of, who I see on a day to day basis in Hebden Bridge. Next time Jason may want to do statistical analysis before choosing subjects — but I for one think it is a lovely way to celebrate 500 years of this town — and more original and inclusive than any other project I have seen, of the same nature.
Well bloody done Jason.
From Anne H
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Hear, hear, Lisa. The only group of people I can think of who might be under-represented are those who you just don’t see in and around the town — commuters and some elderly and disabled who are housebound. With regards to the low number of black and Asian faces, I think that probably is pretty representative if not an over-representation. 1 percent of Hebden Bridge seems about accurate. Perhaps Patricia is just surprised — as I am — that the number of black and Asian people living here is so low. I don’t know why that is, but I don’t think it’s anything to make you shudder!
From Paul Clarke
Monday, 5 July 2010
I think the answer to the original question is that you are the only person bothered by this.