Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Hebden Royd Mayor gives speech in German in Warstein, our twin town
Mayor Scott Trickett and David Parry (President of the Hebden Bridge International Group) attended Warstein in Germany on 4th and 5th June.
The purpose of the visit was an invitation from Warstein Town Council
to celebrate the recently refurbished town Square Wilkeplatz at Belecke, Warstein, and celebrate and welcome the twinning between Warstein and Pietrapaola in Italy.
Mayors of Warstein and Hebden Royd
The weekend ceremonies begain on Saturday 4th with the official twinning signing between Warstein and Pietrapaola. The ceremony itself was attended by over 200 officials, VIP's and school children from Warstein, Pietrapaola in Italy. Also attending was twin town in France St Pol.
During the ceremony, to formally announce Pietrapaola as twin town to Warstein, Cllr Trickett was also invited to speak on behalf of Hebden Royd as one of the 'Twin towns and the twin town 'family' between Hebden Royd, Warstein and St Pol'. This was his first mayoral speech in German.
The visit was a complete success, and the Mayor of Warstein Herr Manfred Godde, the rest of the Warstein Council and many other in the ceremony audience expressed pleasure in hearing a speech from the first fluent German speaking Mayor of Hebden Royd. He also expressed thanks for the kind words said of friendship and partnership between the towns.
Cllr Trickett took the opportunity to speak with the mayors of St Pol and Warstein about our school twinning projects. Both Towns are extremely keen to get this initiated as soon as possible. Various head teachers were also present and they are extremely keen to get these links established with our schools in Hebden Royd.
The visit has significantly strengthened the relationship between our towns.
See also
- St Pol sur Ternoise
Hebden Bridge’s French twin town - Warstein
Hebden Bridge’s German twin town