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Mayor's Plea: Look out for your neighbours

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

As Hebden Royd Town Council took measures to protect staff and community groups, Dr Carol Stow, Mayor of Hebden Royd made an urgent plea for people to follow the guidance to avoid spreading Coronavirus.

She said, "We ask all members of our local communities to support each other. Please look out for your neighbours and follow the scientific advice about physical distancing."

She added, reflecting on the floods, "Recent times shows how our communities support each other in time of need – we have learnt how to be strong and resilient. This is important for everyone now."

In response to the crisis the Town Council has made several decisions including:

  • It has advised all Hebden Royd community funded groups that the funding they have secured from the Council has been distributed, to meet costs incurred, because of Coronavirus cancellations.
  • The Council is taking action to mitigate any hardship for its own staff, whether at the Town Hall or Hebden Bridge Picture House.
  • The Town Hall and Hebden Bridge Picture House have been closed but Council staff to remain contactable: email or telephone 01422 842181.
  • Town Council events and meetings have been cancelled until further notice.

The Council recently unanimously agreed an increase in its budget to address local urgent need. Councillor Richard Needham, Leader of the Labour Group commented that this crisis will change plans: "We will review our spending to ensure that we are able to tackle problems as they arise. Also, we are planning how we support the recovery once the peak of the pandemic has passed."

Things are evolving daily. The Council will keep the public informed via the Council's website, through Facebook and Twitter feeds and the local press. A valuable local resource has also been set up called the Hebden Royd Covid19 Action Group on Facebook.

Additionally, we strongly recommend that you keep up to date with current and accurate information and use trusted sources:

Government Covid-19 advice

Calderdale Council is also updating its advice regularly here.

NHS Covid-19 advice

If you require any further information, call us 01422 842181 or email.