Donkey and Potto
A play with Jenny Tarren and Amanda Waldy
Little Theatre, Holme Street, Hebden Bridge
8.00pm (to 9.30pm approx)
£9 (£7)
A new and humorous presentation of the letters between Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West, which reflect aspects of their relationship not previously explored. A particular intimacy is created by Amanda Waldy and Jenny Tarren who deliver the letters with a great understanding and warmth, which is
convincing and compelling. There will be a question-and-answer session in the Little Theatre bar following the performance.
In association with Bloomsbury Productions
Raining Angels
Coyote Dream Theatre
Wadsworth Community Centre, Wadsworth
8.00pm (to 9.00pm approx)
£7 (£5) under 16 years free
We don’t always know it, but we are ever in the presence of Angels; since the sinew of Jacob’s thigh shrivelled. The man who can’t forget, the peasant with the beetroot and the stranger; a part-improvised performance in which soup will be served.Saturday July 2