From Ian M
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Interesting to see that on the latest billboard outside the Eastwood site, only 52% of waste was recycled. That's a drop of 25% since Kerbside was cast side. How low does the percentage have to go before someone in the council takes note?
From Andy M
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Isn't that 52% of all waste?
I thought that new figure was the highest one I've ever seen posted there.
From Ian M
Thursday, 31 March 2011
The highest I can recall was just after Sita took over the site
which I believe was 78% of all waste. Since then its been a steady drop each time a new figure is posted
From Andy M
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
But Sita must be collecting more recycled material than Kerbside did. (No judgement on Kerbside meant here; I was sad to see them go.)
From Graham Barker
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
The stats depend on the data used. It's possible they only refer to waste brought to the site by the public, and exclude all recycling via the household collections. That would account for a falling rather than rising percentage.
From Cllr Janet Battye
Saturday, 16 April 2011
That question was asked of Sita at a meeting that we had with Eastwood residents this week. Sita's response was that the rate varies across the year and goes up in the summer when people bring more "green" garden waste to be recycled - I think that the rate is by weight. We'll have to keep an eye on it over the next few months and see if that's so !
See also
Sita Waste Collection - March-May 2010