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Wildlife crime

From Dave H

Monday, 28 January 2013

It appears that badger baiters are once again active in our area. Firstly, if you are aware of a set, resist telling people about it - word soon gets out, even through well meaning sharing of knowledge. There is a local badger protection group, and it may be an idea to contact them and make sure there are aware of its existance. Secondly, and importantly, if you witness any suspicious activity around a badger set, then do not hesitate to dial 999 immediately. Badger baiting is against the law, and anyone interfering with them is committing a crime. Don't think for a minute that the police will see it as trivial.

From Edward Ashman

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Hi, I'd just like to mention that Calderdale Badger Protection Group works to try and protect badgers and their habitat in Calderdale. They are always looking for new members.

Have a look at their website.

On the Todmorden sett interference, good information on the suspects has been obtained along with evidence recovered from the scene. The Police will be working closely with the RSPCA to secure a Prosecution