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Management of local moorlands update

From George Murphy

Monday, 5 August 2013

As we approach the Glorious 12th, I wonder if any of your well informed readers on either side of the argument about moorland desecration could update us on recent developments?

I believe the RSPB is challenging the legality of the agreement made between Natural England and the owners of the Walshaw Moor Estate through the European courts. This could explain the series of articles in the press in recent months attacking the 'politicisation' of the charity. As I understand it the new agreement allows burning of damaged bogs to continue.

I notice that local campaigners - on other websites - have sensibly widened the argument to include discussion of the cost to ratepayers of cleaning peat from our drinking water. What is the evidence for this and how is pressure being brought to protect our finances?

I think the problem for many valley dwellers, like myself, is that the moors are often out of sight and out of mind. Reading some of the reported correspondence between Natural England and the Moorland Association gave me the impression of intruding into the discussions at a members only gentlemen's club.

Activists did a great job in raising awareness in 2012 and I think it might be useful to explain recent developments to the wider public through this forum.

Previously, on the HebWeb

Management of local moorlands (June-August 2012)

Floods - Practical solutions (June-August 2012)