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Green Friday?

From Mo Norwood

Friday, 28 November 2014

Anyone like to start a campaign with me to hold a whole day of non- consumerism during which no-one buys anything at all for 24 hours, perhaps the last Friday of every November?

From Kez Armitage

Friday, 28 November 2014

Mo, it's already happening! I have to say, after watching the undignified, unprincipled, totally self-centred behaviour of shoppers on 'Black Friday' we really do need to redress the balance somehow.


From Mo Norwood

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Thanks for that. I will promote and publicise it wherever I can! I think the way the media handle such stories is partly to blame

From Ian M

Saturday, 29 November 2014

But wouldn't it be hypocritical for a town such as Hebden Bridge, who's entire economic stability is based around people buying things they don't really need, to promote a day where no one buys anything in order to highlight reckless consumerism?

From Anne H

Saturday, 29 November 2014

The trouble with a single day when you don't buy anything is that you are likely to buy the same things - but on the days before or after!

But it is Small Business Saturday today - unfortunately not promoted as widely as Black Friday. Hopefully, the SOS Street Party will promote local small businesses, and the whole idea of shopping locally.

Buying locally is greener and more ethical than traveling to Manchester or Leeds and shopping in the major stores, but it doesn't necessarily address consumerism - especially if you are buying expensive gifts or clothes that you don't really need (just as easy to do in Hebden as anywhere!)