Fustian Knife
From David Tut
Friday, 27 May 2016
Every week I see an accident just waiting to happen and it's not on our roads in Hebden Bridge but in St Georges Square!
Yes it involves the sculpture to which is commonly known as the Knife. I have never thought it was the correct image to represent our great textile history but who am I but just a local and lifelong resident.
But the problem is it is seen by some parents as some kind of climbing frame. Not the fault of the kids but the parents and yes I have seen so-called adults attempt the same challenge, usually after a sherry or two.
I don't know what the answer is but I do think it is a concern and I don't want to be coming back and saying I told you so.
From Andy M
Saturday, 28 May 2016
We could replace it with a big heap of fustian - low risk but might smell a bit after a while.
From Tim B
Saturday, 28 May 2016
Have there been any accidents yet?
From V Uttley
Saturday, 28 May 2016
I thought it was a potato peeler, a sculpture to remind us of all women workers past and present who were/are peeling spuds for dinner whilst still having to work full time. As its not can we have one!
From Bernard B
Sunday, 29 May 2016
The Lancashire Peeler as we unaffectionately call it in our house. It would be good to get it moved, maybe to one of the road entrances in to town, thus decluttering the square a bit.
From David Tut
Sunday, 29 May 2016
An answer to "Have there been any accidents regarding the knife" is yes and up to press only minor bumps and bruises but don't get reported.
My worry is does it have to take a bad injury before we have to do anything. If you are a parent who thinks it's okay then all I can say is good luck but don't complain after the event of a bad injury because it will be you is to blame
From DB Cooper
Sunday, 29 May 2016
Well put, David. I thoroughly agree. The 'free-range kids' of Hebden and elsewhere are indeed risking life and limb by crawling over this ill-thought-out edifice. And has anyone else noticed that it (or the surrounding numerals) have been mis-set, so that its nominal function as a gnomon makes it half an hour out of synch, whether we be in GMT or BST?
From Paul Clarke
Monday, 30 May 2016
Whilst I take David's point surely the same dangers could apply to any public monument anywhere in the country.
The difference is here there are some parents who are happy to let their kids 'express themselves' no matter the risk to their safety or the upset this 'self expression'/misbehavior can cause to others.
As others have pointed out all it needs for children to avoid injury is some sensible and engaged parenting,
From Maureen Brian
Monday, 30 May 2016
I do hope your last is a joke, DB Cooper.
I spent my childhood swimming in the open sea (no lifeguards), free-climbing cliffs and exploring mine adits. I'm 74 next month: I think that means I survived. I'm glad to see that HB kids have a similar freedom to work things like danger out for themselves.
As for the gnomon, when it points to noon in St George's Square that's noon, the moment when the sun is highest in the sky, Hebden Bridge time. It commemorates a time in the town's history before Greenwich Mean Time was imposed to make railway timetables comprehensible, about 1847.
I'm going to worry about this all day. Do tell me it was a joke.
From David Tut
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Well done Maureen having reached a good age and having such an adventures lifestyle and I hope that more kids in this age of technology take up that kind of lifestyle but my point is there is a time and place for everything and climbing the sculpture in the square is not one of them.
From Michael Murray Elder
Friday, 3 June 2016
If the sculpture in the square is not safe where is the safe place ?
From Rob H
Saturday, 18 June 2016
Here is a though… How's about responsibility is taken for children and we don't use an expensive beautiful piece of art as a climbing frame? Maybe children could use the very substantive park we have that lots of our tax goes to maintaining. Adults should be able to appreciate our lovely square without any more ridiculous health and safety rules being applied for the few that seem to either not want to oversee their children's movements or want it made easy for them. I understand children are not machines and love to explore . Climbing on statues isn't appropriate, climbing on trees is!
HebWeb Forum: The Fustian Needle (2008)