Bridge next to Waterside Fold
From Chris Barnett
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
I see that the remains of the old platform across the river are being removed. Does anyone know who's removing it, and what the implications are for the ludicrous development next to the Little Park (which seems to have gone very quiet).
Photo taken 31 Juky 2018 - HebWeb
From Paul M
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
The original developer Mango Homes, lost interest in the site and sold it. The crew dismantling the old bridge are only the hired in demolition company, I have been (so far) unable to find out who the new developer is, but, clearly, the build is to go ahead!
From Chris Barnett
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
It looks like the whole of the Waterside Fold parking area is taken up by the crane and other plant needed to remove the platform (which obviously needed doing, being both an eyesore and a potential flood hazard).
But what about when they try and build a block of flats - are the residents of Waterside Fold happy for this to continue for at least another year?
I think we need some assurances from our elected members about the future of the Little Park (the only other potential access to the site).
I thought this nonsense had gone away, but it looks like battle may be resuming..........
From Pedro de Wit
Thursday, 2 August 2018
I don't believe the residents of Waterside Fold are happy with development on that site. We fought twice against plans that were submitted and it is frustrating that this just won't go away.
Anyone with common sense can see that this site is unsuitable for development as there is no access and it is too close to the river and play ground. Any new development, no matter how it looks, will pose a threat to the Little Park and will cause access problems for residents at Waterside Fold (which is a private road).
I haven't seen new plans for this site yet but if plans are submitted I will object to them. For now at least we can be happy that the ugly bridge structure is removed as it makes it less likely fo r the area to flood.
From Tim M
Thursday, 2 August 2018
I presume the development is going ahead based on the plans already submitted (a material start having been made a year or so back, these will still be current). I believe the most recent iteration involved replacing the corroded deck with a footbridge and it had been established that access was permitted over Waterside Fold.
I'm not convinced that development here is a bad thing - new houses are needed and it is/was a derelict site. I don't see the problem with its proximity to the park either? What exactly is being insinuated?
From Chris Barnett
Friday, 3 August 2018
What I am predicting (not insinuating) is the loss of all or part of the Little Park.
Think about it:
1. The developer may have access rights across Waterside Fold, but I don't think that includes using it for their site compound (for at least a year). So where is that going to go?
2. The approved scheme has no on-site parking, which is supposed to be provided off-site. But where exactly?
3. Calderdale (like all local authorities) are in a dire financial position. Given the choice of cutting services for vulnerable children and adults or flogging off a playground, what would you do?
So sell the playground to the developer for their site compound and parking for the flats and everyone wins (apart from local kids and parents, some local residents, and people whose homes and businesses might possibly be at an increased risk of flooding as a result of the development).
I know we need more (affordable) homes (and will these flats fall into that category?), but this particular development is wrong for too many reasons. There are plenty more redundant sites and buildings that could be better used.
And I am sympathetic to the hard choices that all local authorities are having to make, but I feel that Calderdale have not been completely open and honest about this development from the very beginning.
I look forward to our local councillors reassuring us that my predictions are totally unfounded.
From Tim M
Friday, 3 August 2018
I don't really think the little park is under threat! It would be a brave councillor! The new flats on old gate have no parking, nor I think the new ones in the old NatWest - the presumption being that town centre dwellers should be discouraged from car ownership. I really think this is a lot of fuss about nothing. Agreed, the work no doubt will be disturbing, especially for the Waterside residents, but at the end of the day, this was a brownfield site, which included a derelict raft over the river. In the long term this will be an improvement.
HebWeb Forum Development next to Little Park (March 2016)
HebWeb Forum Closure of Little Park (October 2015 - Feb 2016)