Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Celebrating 2011 in Blackshawhead
Blackshawhead Village Fete, this Saturday 3rd Sept from 1.30 p.m. is not only one of the highlights of the year in this part of “the tops” but heralds the start of a week-long festival of fun for the local community.
Entitled “Celebrate 2011” and organized by the local church, the festival begins on Monday morning 5th September with a coffee morning at Blackshawhead Chapel from 10 to 12, providing another opportunity to view the local history exhibition “Visit your neighbours from the past - Chapel Graveyard inscriptions”, which will be held over from the fete.
Tuesday evening sees the focus shift to the New Delight Inn, where a Quiz Night has been organised at 8 p.m., including a pie and peas supper. Come as a ready-made team, or be part of a scratch team on the night; no-one knows every answer but everyone knows some of them. A light-hearted evening where a little knowledge can go a long way!
The younger members of the community get their turn on Wednesday afternoon with a “Tots’ Tea Party” in a tent in the chapel grounds from 1.30 to 3 p.m. This is aimed at under 4s and their mums (and dads).
Off to the other side of the world at the chapel on Thursday evening 8th Sept at 7.30, as local resident Jamie Gale recounts his fundraising venture “Climbing Kilimanjaro”
The old ones are the best, they say, and Friday night at 7pm sees a Family Beetle drive at the chapel. This perennial favourite, equally playable by seven year olds and seventy year olds, has proved very popular in past years. Not sure what it is - then come along and find out!
Celebrate 2011 ends with a busy weekend, with a Village Barbecue on Saturday afternoon on “Dot’s Field”, Old Shaw Lane, from 12 noon to 4 pm. The whole community is invited (and if previous years are anything to go by most of them will turn up at some point).
Blackshawhead Fete 2010
The following afternoon, Sunday 11th September, brings a choice of guided walks around the beautiful scenery of the local area. Two short walks are on offer: “easy” and “easier”, both led by knowledgeable local walkers, and both begin from Blackshawhead Chapel at 2.30 p.m., returning there for tea.
The aim of all of this, says Roger Munday, one of the organisers, apart from having a good time, is to provide a variety of opportunities for the people of this somewhat scattered hilltop village, (some of whom are lifelong inhabitants and others very recent newcomers), to meet each other, make new friends and renew old acquaintances.
See also
HebWeb News - announcing Blackshawhead Fete 2011