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Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Call for bye-election

Nader Fekri has announced he is leaving the area to move to Turkey where his wife will be taking up a new post with the British Council. Nader Fekri is currently Mayor of Calderdale, Calderdale councillor for the Calder ward, covering Hebden Bridge, and Hebden Royd Town Councillor.

Bye-elections will be needed for both Calderdale and Hebden Royd Town councils. It is being argued that it would be more economical for council tax players if the bye-election were to be held at the same time as the normal council elections this May.

Susan Press, Labour candidate for the Calder ward told the HebWeb: "It is perfectly understandable that Coun Fekri should wish to spend time sorting things out over here and ensuring that his family is happy and settled in their new home overseas. But as he has made it clear that he intends to stand down as a Calderdale councillor in the very near future, surely it's only fair that the electorate should be spared the considerable cost of a by-election and be able to vote for two Calder candidates in May instead of one."

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