Searching for hedgehogs
Friday, 10 January 2014
I'm on my gap year from university and on a year's work experience placement with Hugh Firman on the conservation team at Calderdale council. The survey work has been undertaken due to the hedgehog's decline since the 1960's, making it yet another UK BAP (Biodiversity Action Plan) priority species.
Photo: Pat Morris
By carrying out this survey it will hopefully build a better idea on their status in Calderdale, as the work will be looking at the distribution of hedgehogs and what could be affecting this, be it road casualties or predation. Understanding the causes for their decline in both rural and urban areas will then help the council put in place effective conservation management plans.
This is a survey that most of the public can engage in, and will consist of two parts, first collecting the public's sightings of hedgehogs (dead or alive) and its location and date. Then secondly by carrying out night walks and setting up footprint tunnels in woodlands and gardens.
If you can help with any sightings over the last few years or so could you please get in touch with:
It will be greatly appreciated