Apple Day - a big success
Thursday, 23 October 2014
In spite of it being the stormiest day of the Autumn so far, a good crowd tuned up to celebrate national Apple Day at Valley Organics Workers Coop shop in Market Street on 21st October. Over 20 varieties – all grown in Britain - were available to try, and apple expert Mark Simmons was on hand to give advice on choosing, planting and growing apple trees.
Middle row (left) Apple expert Mark Simmons and
(right) Niki Davies draws the raffle.
The names of the apples read like an autumn poem: Worcester Pearmaine, Fiesta, Kidds Orange Pippin, Red Falstaff, Orleans Rainette, Lord Lamborne, Adam's Pearmaine, Spartan, Blenheim, Mere de Menage, Fiesta, Red Pipin, Saturn, Santana, Russet, Gala, Cox's Orange Pippin, Red Pippin, Bramley, Golden Delicious, Braeburn, Granny Smith, Jonagored and Ida Pippin – to name but a few!
Customers were also treated to a healthy glass of Oakwood organic apple juice.
Three ready-to-plant trees from Incredible Farm in Todmorden were raffled. One of the winners, Sean Creagh from Eightspace (who create play spaces for schools) said he will plant his tree in a local school garden.
Niki Davies from Incredible Farm said 'I'm so glad local people are interested in growing apples - we have lots of varieties at the farm ready to plant'
Mark Simmons commented 'It was wonderful to see such a variety
of unusual apples in one shop'.
Lili Briggs, a member of the Valley Organics Coop said "We hope this will become an annual event featuring many more varieties from local suppliers."
Apple Day
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
21st October is National Apple Day, a day to recognise the wealth and variety of apples grown in the United Kingdom.
To celebrate, Valley Organics Workers' Coop are hosting their first British apple event in their shop 31 Market St on Tuesday evening, 21st October, from 7 to 9 pm.
There will be 20 British organic apple varieties to taste and buy and Oakwood organic apple juice to try.
Win a ready-to-plant apple tree from Incredible Farm in Todmorden in a free raffle.
Plant your own tree
You can order a suitable tree from Incredible Farm.
Local fruit expert, Mark Simmonds will be on hand to answer apple questions, identify apples and get you on a grafting course.
All activities are free, including raffle tickets.
If you can't make it to the event, you can still come and get a free raffle ticket in the shop anytime before apple day.
We hope this will become an annual event featuring many more varieties and local suppliers.
For more information, call Valley Organics on 01422 846651