Sand in your Eye sculpture succumbs to elements
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
The HebWeb has heard from the Hebden Royd Town Council this morning that the very popular and moving 'Loss is Eternal' sand sculpture has finally succumbed to the elements and has had to be dismantled earlier than the planned date of 1st December. It was not vandalised as had earlier been reported.
The sculpture has attracted many admirers, including repeat visitors as the figure has been progressively aged during its time at the Town Hall. "We are sorry if there is anyone who has not had chance to see her in her final, elderly, stage."
Photo: David Martin
Its creator Jamie Wardley said "It has been a humbling and thought provoking journey that we have been on with her. She represented the grief that we all feel when someone close to us passes away especially in the event of war. I embarked on the process to age her from a young woman to an elderly lady to show that grief always remains with us in some form and that Loss is Eternal. But part of the reason why we must all value life is that it ends for us all finally, and the passing of our Lady in the Town Hall is representative of that. She will be missed."
Mayor Jonathan Timbers said, "I'm very sorry that the sand sculpture 'Loss is eternal' has now been taken by the elements. In the time it was up, it became a landmark, not only for World War One but also for the compassion and openness in the way that we commemorated that terrible tragedy and its consequences."
See the previous HebWeb News report to see the video of the making of the sculpture.