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Calder Valley Voices' Charity Christmas Concert

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Three community choirs are putting on a Christmas concert of songs from around the World in Hebden Bridge on Thursday 11th December.  All the proceeds will go to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) in their fight against Ebola in West Africa.

Calder Valley Voices (CVV) is hosting the evening concert of diverse songs capturing the season's spirit, supported by all-women group the Remingtons and 7-strong Corista.  The songs are alternatives to traditional carols that will certainly get the audience in the mood for Christmas.  The concert is open to the public and will be held at the Methodist Chapel opposite the Co-op supermarket in Hebden Bridge.  Tickets on the door and cake and hot drinks available at the interval.

Calder Valley Voices

Paul Forrest from CVV Committee told the HebWeb, "We've been working hard to make this a great Christmas Concert and our members were very keen to support the DEC in the work they are coordinating in Africa.  We really hope we can raise a good sum from tickets to pass on to where it's needed so badly."

During the National Street Choirs Festival in Hebden Bridge in July, CVV managed to raise £2,700, to be shared between five local, national and international charities:

  • CROWS - a group of volunteers involved in upkeep of rights of way in the Calder Valley
  • Living Well - a support organisation for Calderdale women dealing with cancer
  • Todmorden Food Drop-in - a weekly, non-religious charity for people struggling to afford food in the Upper Calder Valley
  • Gorilla Organisation - supporting local communities and the gorillas that share their environment in central Africa
  • NSPCC - national children's charity

Details of concert

Venue: Methodist Chapel opposite the Co-op Supermarket in Hebden Bridge
Time: Doors open 7.30pm for concert 8.00-10.00pm
Cost: £6 standard, £4 concessions, free for children

And remember, CVV always welcomes new members, so check them out at the concert and then join up in the new year if you're interested – open to all, no audition.  The first session of the new term will be at 7.15pm on Thursday 8th January, 2015 at the Methodist Hall (opposite the Co-op Supermarket in Hebden Bridge).

More information - on the website
or contact the organisers - 07745 470345 or email