Hebden Royd Flood Group's first test
Sunday, 22 November 2015
Over the weekend of 13th-16th November the storms, rains and floods became for the Hebden Royd Flood Group (HRFG) the first test, or blooding for our community flood containers.
There are 5 containers spread along the valley from Mytholmroyd to Sandbed containing modest amounts of basic equipment for use if and when a flood situation arises. These containers are at Mytholmroyd, off Midgely Road, rear of the Picture House and Bridge Lane car park in Hebden, Callis and Sandbed, at the side of Murt's.
Why basic equipment? Simply because everything and anything we have has to be carried and easy to use. Sand bags, plastic sheeting, shovels & spades, rakes, brushes and squeegees. Basic however with ingenuity and patience should prove very useful and adaptable.
Over the weekend the containers at Sandbed and Callis were put to good use. The residents at Sandbed came together filling more sandbags, sheeting up doorways and vitally checking on vulnerable neighbours. Likewise at Callis sandbags were used to good effect.
Summer 2012, Crown Street and former NatWest Bank © HebWeb
Click to enlarge
We know it is not possible to stop floods from occurring. However, by working together using the equipment we have we should be able to minimise the damage.
Hebden Royd Flood Group
We are a small band of interested local residents who came together following the two disasters in 2012 determined to be better prepared for the future. Thanks to much of the publicity arising from the floods, especially the Facebook page set up by Rob Holden, the government have provided some one off funding to groups such as ours, to organise and set up schemes pertinent to the local environment.
July 2012: Market Street - click to enlarge - Photo: HebWeb
Through the good offices of the National Flood Forum, officers and staff of the Environment Agency, Calderdale Council and our own Town Council guiding us through all the minutia of committee work, we have a Flood Plan and the Containers.
Please remember we are all volunteers working together for our community, as always we desperately need younger interested people to join and assist us.
If anyone has forgotten the devastation caused by floods take a look at the photos and links on the Hebweb news reports. Food for thought!
Watch and use the site for reporting problems and passing on information.
Recently it has been decided to undertake a small programme of clearing blocked and full drains, initially around Hebden town centre and along Market Street. Therefore if you see a couple or three elderly folk in high viz vests lifting grids and staring into grids, come up and say hello.
Andrew Entwistle
Hebden Royd Flood Group
Phone 07580 168254
Email: hebden@cvcsg.org.
See also