Mini Trident missile in Hebden Bridge!
Monday, 15 February 2016
Last Thursday, a mini Trident nuclear missile appeared in St George's Square with banners along the side reading "Yorkshire Needs Flood Defences NOT Nuclear Offences" and "Scrap Trident not Public Services". The 20 foot missile was brought along by members of Calder Valley CND for Peace and Justice to demonstrate their opposition to Government proposals to replace Britain's ageing nuclear weapons system.
Photo: Craig Shaw
Group member Kathy Pitt said "£183 billion is just an outrageous sum of money to be spending on a weapon that we can't ever conceivably use. If only a fraction of that money was spent on flood defences it would help protect us from the real threats we face in the future, like the effects of climate change, rather than being wasted on something which makes us more unsafe".
Rob Costello from Hebden Bridge, said "Trident is a cold war relic that should be scrapped, freeing up the money that could be used for essential public services. Most people we spoke to today agreed with us, and we hope that they'll join us on the coach from Todmorden and Hebden to the big Stop Trident demo in London on Saturday Feb 27th. It's the last chance we've got to show our opposition to Trident before parliament votes".
Coach tickets cost from £5 return and online at can be booked or by phoning 07980 29147.
The local CND peace group will also be holding a demo with the missile on Saturday 19th March at 11am in Hebden Bridge, and all are welcome to come and join in.
See also
HebWeb News: Coaches from Calder Valley to national Stop Trident demo