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Flood Alleviation Scheme for Hebden Bridge

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Work is continuing to develop a Flood Alleviation Scheme for Hebden Bridge.

Hydraulic Modelling work is ongoing to help identify the most beneficial solution for the town and surrounding area. In addition to flooding from rivers, the scheme will aim to address surface water issues in the town. This will focus on flooding caused by heavy rainfall which overwhelms the drainage system. For example, the flash flood events of July 2006 and July 2012.

On 27th February the Envionment Agency will have a small team based at Hebden Bridge Town Hall between 4pm – 7pm. They would like to take the opportunity to gather knowledge and anecdotal evidence from the community on the surface water issues that have occurred over the years.

If you would like to attend to discuss your experiences, share evidence (such as photos or videos from flood events), or your ideas, your contribution would be much appreciated.

If you are unable to make this date but would like to contribute any evidence or information on surface water issues, you can do so by emailing before the 27th February.

HebWeb Feature: Boxing Day Floods for previous news, links, videos, etc.

HebWeb Photos of Boxing Day floods